Signs Of Infertility In Women And Barrenness

Signs Of Infertility In Women And Barrenness
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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

  Women And Barrenness

About 12 to 13 couples in every 100 couples worldwide are having trouble conceiving, just because of infertility, Infertility has become a common problem and is rapidly increasing. Roughly one-third of infertility cases are caused by males.

 When it comes to conceiving a baby, a woman fertility is only part of the equation, Men play a major role in baby making, too. After all, it takes two to get the job done, Male infertility is treatable and can be improved.

By some simple DO'S and DON'TS we can stay away from infertility

  • Staying away from heat.
  • Maintain A Healthy Weight:
  • Reduce Your Exposure To Chemicals:
  • Get Enough Sleep:
  • Quit Smoking:
  • Choose your fluids carefully:
  • Increase Your Fruits Intake:
  • Give Up Drinking:
  • Manage Your Stress Levels:
  • Exercise Regularly:
  • Eat More Nuts:
  • Lower Your Sunscreen Usage:
  • Cut Down On Junk Food:
  • Reduce the Use Of Plastic:
  • Take Amino Acids: 

 Staying Away From Heat

Saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs can raise your body temperature temporarily.

This can lower the number and quality of your sperm, so stay away from the heat and don't use electric blankets, Another hot spot that may have an effect on your fertility is your laptop and computer.

Research has shown that when you place a laptop directly on your lap, it can increase the temperature of the scrotum and decrease sperm production.

Instead of putting the laptop on your lap, put it on a desk or use a tray in between.

The jury still out on whether or not tight underwear really increases body temperature down there enough to affect sperm.

But you may want to invest in some boxers, just in case.

Maintain A Healthy Weight:

If you are planning to start a family, maintaining a healthy weight is very important to improve sperm quality. High body fat can affect hormone levels, which may make it more difficult for you to conceive.

Overweight men are also more likely to have a lower sperm count. You should make regular exercise an important part of your general wellness. This can help you maintain a healthy weight. It can also help you reduce stress levels and feel better overall.

But try to avoid too much strenuous exercise and talk to a nutrition expert before taking workout supplements because both can have negative effects on fertility. You may also want to limit or avoid cycling when you and your partner are starting a family.

This activity can lead to lower sperm counts and less sperm movement.

Reduce Your Exposure To Chemicals:

50 years ago, the average man had double the amount of sperm the average man has today. Many researchers believe increased exposures to certain chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, and so forth, are contributing to higher levels of male infertility.

Some of the worst culprits are thought to be Xenoestrogens which mimic the effects of estrogen and can be found in pesticides, plastics and industrial pollutants.

Some ways you can reduce your exposure to chemicals include avoiding plastic water bottles and using plastic containers to store your food, reducing your exposure to dioxin by using unbleached toilet paper and napkins.

You should also try not to use synthetic deodorants, lotions, or anything else on your skin.

Get Enough Sleep:

Recently conducted studies have found that many men who reported a lack of sleep or sleep disturbances suffered from low testosterone levels, obesity, sleep apnea, and low sperm count, more so than men who reported that they had healthy amounts of sleep and were of average weight.

A review of studies focusing on lack of sleep and male infertility, reported that testosterone production is affected by the quality of sleep a man gets each night.

Quit Smoking:

One of the many damaging effects of smoking is a decline in sperm production. Scientific evidence confirms that increased smoking leads to abnormal sperm, a lower sperm count and less motile sperm production.

also includes smoking Shisha and substance abuse like marijuana and other illegal drugs. You may have a tendency to deny and defend this habit by arguing that your fathers and forefathers smoked and still bore many children.

But the fact remains that no two individuals react the same to a toxin and moreover, previous generations were not exposed to as many toxins as you are today.

There is also sufficient evidence to indicate that heavy smoking results in erectile dysfunction in men.

Choose your fluids carefully:

Lemon has been reported to speed up the liver removal of Oestrogen It is a hormone that many men do know they have, as it is typically associated with female fertility. In men, if levels of Oestrogen are excessive it can cause problems with fertility.

To provide an added fertility boost incorporate a lemon drink into your morning routine. Try half a lemon squeezed in hot water as soon as you wake up.

Similarly, ginseng tea has been reported to enhance sperm motility.Sperm needs to be able to travel past the cervix and into the uterus in order to fertilize the egg, so motile sperm are crucial to male fertility.

Increase Your Fruits Intake:

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of vitamin C, carotenoids, and other phytochemicals, which can help to boost fertility.

In addition, the antioxidants found in fruit and vegetables are thought to improve sperm quality.

Foods that are rich in antioxidants include tomatoes, blueberries, and pomegranates can provide an added boost when trying for a baby.

Pomegranates in particular can help lift your libido and also keep sperm healthy.

Give Up Drinking:

It is not only females that should be mindful of alcohol and cigarette consumption when trying to conceive, men should also drink in moderation or give it up completely.

The advice on how much alcohol to drink when trying to conceive is debatable.

Habitual alcohol consumption can damage the quality, structure and movement of sperm by preventing the liver from properly metabolising vitamin A, which is required for sperm development.

In addition, scientific studies have reported that alcohol can cause problems for your testes.

There is no need for men who are wanting to start a family to be completely teetotal but it would be advisable to cut down and avoid binge or habitual drinking.

Manage Your Stress Levels:

The influence of stress is an extremely difficult factor to measure when it comes to fertility.

But, stress has been shown to adversely affect sperm count by lowering levels of a hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone or GnRH.

This hormone is needed for sperm production,Struggling to conceive can be really challenging for couples and have an impact on the frequency of intercourse, which in turn reduces the likelihood of conception.

How you deal with stress together may matter for your fertility and open communication with your partner is vital for maintaining a healthy relationship.

Exercise Regularly:

Not only is hitting the gym a few times a week great for overall health, but it can also improve your sperm count. According to a study, men who participated in a moderate-to-vigorous activity at least15 hours a week had 73 percent higher sperm concentration than men who moved less than five hours a week.

Plus, couch potatoes who watched more than 20 hours of TV per week had 44 percent lower sperm concentration than men who did not watch anything at all,While any exercise that breaks a sweat is great, adding resistance training is even better.

Lifting weights can increase your testosterone levels and, big bonus here, aid in higher sperm concentration.

Eat More Nuts:

It turns out that consuming healthy nuts leads to, only healthy nuts, Researchers studied more than 100 men to investigate the effect of eating walnuts.

Three months later, the men's semen quality was analyzed and showed that those who consumed2.5 ounces each day had significantly increased levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

That translated into better sperm vitality, mobility and fewer chromosomal abnormalities.

Eating any type of nut could reduce oxidative stress in your body and, in turn, potentially improve sperm production.

Lower Your Sunscreen Usage:

Since your skin is ultra-absorbent, it matters what you put on it.

A study showed that high exposure to two UV filter chemicals often found in sunscreen actually diminished reproductive ability in men, but not women by 30 percent.

Keep in mind, donshun sunscreen altogether. Instead, opt for natural formulas that rely on minerals like zinc and titanium instead of the lab-made oxybenzone.

Cut Down On Junk Food:

Inflammation in the body from eating processed, packaged, and fast foods can affect your fertility.

When you are not eating whole food, your body can recognize it, so it has to use stored nutrients to process it.

This takes away nutrients that could be used to make sperm. So, load up on plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Organic and in-season produce is ideal whole foods that have low glycemic index values and cut down on sugar and salt.

Reduce the Use Of Plastic:

A study showed that men who are exposed to phthalates, a group of chemicals found in plastic containers and hair products, took 20 percent longer to get their partners pregnant.

So, try to choose glass over plastic and check the Environmental Working Group website for safe products

Take Amino Acids:

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which are important to make healthy sperm. L-arginine and l-carnitine are two that have been used to reverse male infertility.


Infertility Awareness And Treatment

They are available in many food sources and in capsule form but be sure to ask an integrative physician, naturo pathic or herbalist for the right dosage before taking it.

Fertility diets are they fact or fiction?

whether fruits, vegetables, fast food, seafood, trans fats or carbs can help or hurt your fertility.

Don't get confused, There are many different types of diets for a variety of medical problems. A diet to lower cholesterol, for example, wont necessarily help with your fertility.

If you are overweight, any type of diet that will allow you to lose weight will improve your fertility.

Fruits and vegetables.

A new study found that women who eat fast food and little or no fruit, take longer to become pregnant. For women who had the lowest intake of fruit, the risk of infertility increased from 8% to 12%and those who ate fast food four or more times a week, the risk of infertility doubled from 8 to 16%.

Fast foods include burgers, pizza, fried chicken and chips that were bought from takeaway or fast-food outlets, These findings were true regardless of female weight.

The LIFE, Longitudinal Investigation of Fertility on the Environment Study of 501 couples planning pregnancy shows that couples consuming two or more servings of seafood every week enjoyed more sex and got pregnant faster than those eating seafood less often.

After one year, 92% of couples with a seafood rich diet had conceived, compared with 79% of couples with diets that contain less fish and shell fish. Another study found that women on a diet high in trans fats were 48% more likely to develop endometriosis than those with the lowest consumption.

However, women eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, found in oily fish, seem to protect against the disease as these women had a 22% reduced risk of developing endometriosis.

A survey of women with and without ovulation problems, found that women with ovulation problems were more likely to eat low-fat dairy products, refined carbs,get their protein from animal products and consume trans fats So if you have an ovulation problem, avoid these things

A typical Mediterranean diet contains a high amount of vegetables, fruits, olive oil, beans and cereal grains,moderate amounts of fish, dairy products and wine and only a small amount of red meat and poultry.

A study from Greece of nearly 250 women found that those women who adhered most closely to this diet had 66% higher pregnancy rates during IVF.

Men who follow the Alternative Healthy Eating Index AHEI a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy products and are relatively low intake of refined grains saturated fatty acids and added sugars.

Showed significantly better results for sperm concentration, total sperm count and percentage of normal sperm morphology compared with men who did not follow such a diet.

  • After putting all this together my recommendations for a fertility diet are
  • It seems reasonable to eat some fruits and vegetables every day,seafood at least twice a week.
  • Stay away from fast foods and foods that are high in trans fats.
  • If you have an ovulation problem, try to switch from low-fat dairy to high-fat dairy.
  • Get more of your protein from plant sources than from animal sources
  • Swap out your current vegetable oil for Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • The Mediterranean Diet takes most of these recommendations into account already.
  • If you follow that diet closely you should maximize your fertility.
  • you are about to pay half of your savings for fertility treatments, and obviously you want to have your body in tip top shape.

  An IVF diet is clearly an important consideration.

But what is it?And how does it help?

If you are going to see a fertility specialist for the first time, you might be surprised to learn, that you may not be undertaking invitro fertilization, known as IVF, straight away.

Depending upon what's causing your fertility challenges, your fertility specialist may recommend an option such as ovulation induction, assisted insemination, known as IUI or In tracy to plasmic Sperm Injection, known as ICSI

In terms of diet, the first step is to prepare your diet as you would for any pregnancy.

Getting a blood test to check your nutritional markers, optimising your weight, starting the correct nutritional supplements and managing any dietary conditions that you may have, like Coeliac disease or diabetes.

We need to optimise your diet for each of the four key factors that we need to conceive.

Any guesses what these are?

  • Healthy eggs.
  • Regular menstrual cycle.
  • Receptive uterus.
  • Healthy sperm.

How many did you get??

Lets discuss how we can improve each of these four ingredients with the right diet.

As I said, the first ingredient we need for our baby-making recipe are healthy eggs.

Healthy Eggs

Although your fertility specialist can help identify which of your eggs are the healthiest,our aim is to help make them all as healthy as possible.

Our diet has a big impact on our egg health. And, it takes around 3 months for our eggs to mature, so try to be following your IVF diet for at least 3 months before egg collection.

Although there is a lot that we can do to improve egg health, my favourite tips for improving egg health are to focus on getting enough omega 3, zinc and anti-oxidants.To meet your omega 3 requirements, include two to three serves of fish in your diet each week.

You may like salmon patties, sardines on toast or a fish pie for example.

One of the best sources of zinc is red meat. Now, you don't need a lot, again three serves a week should be ample, but if you are not eating red meat three times a week, then you may need to look at some other ways of ensuring that you are getting enough zinc.

Dried beans or legumes are another good source that you could consider, so I recommend aiming to eat these at least twice each week too.

In terms of antioxidants, veggies are the best source of antioxidants.And, you may have heard of the saying eat the rainbow.That means that its best to have a colourful plate full of different vegetables


Not only does this look pretty, but different colours are often representative of differentanti-oxidants.

In the months leading up to your egg collection, Id really love you to make a last ditch concerted effort to try to get in your five serves of veg each day, to do this, Id recommend eating vegies at least three times per day.

You might have some sauted mushrooms and spinach at brekkie, a punnet of cherry tomatoes asa snack, have some salad with lunch for example.

Our second ingredient was a regular menstrual cycle to result in Regular Ovulation.

Regular Ovulation

Depending upon the type of fertility treatments that you are having, this may or may not be important.Often fertility specialists will give you medications to help you ovulate.

But, if they are not, then and your cycle is out of whack, then one of the best tricks is to optimise your levels of body fat.

Gaining weight, (if youre underweight), or losing it, (if youre overweight), can impact your insulin hormones which then has an impact on your other fertility hormones.

If you said to yourself that its too big a goal, you don't want to think about it,let me point out that you don't have to change your weight by twenty kilograms,Often just a few kilograms of weight change can make all the difference to your ability to ovulate.

If you are thinking, this does not apply to me, Ill just use the hormones, then, How do you know that you are going to harvest enough eggs?

Even with the help of hormones, a few kilograms weight change can sometimes have a very big impact on the number of eggs collected.

Which then brings me to our third key ingredient, a receptive uterus.

Receptive Uterus

We want a home that your embryo wants to live in, you want a nice thick uterine lining where you are going to be safe and well nourished.

Now research suggests that one trick for improving your uterine lining is to replace processed,sugary carbs with low GI, micro nutrient-rich whole grains.

Swap your rice crackers for whole grain crackers, sugary cereal for porridge and your white rice to brown.

Lastly, none of this is going to work if we don't have a healthy sperm.

Healthy Sperm

One fertility specialist remarked to me and I looked at sperm under the microscope, there were not many in good condition, but once you would helped him change his diet, they looked like they belonged to someone else.


Infertility is diagnosed after a couple has been trying to achieve pregnancy for a year with regular, unprotected intercourse. In up to 50% of cases, infertility is due to a male factor, the causes of which range from physical obstruction of sperm passage to genetic defects that affect sperm production.

Male infertility can be considered along a spectrum of severity based on the number of sperm in the ejaculate. It is treatable in many men, and an understanding of the causes and approach to this condition will help the physician diagnose and treat the infertile male.

A sexual and pregnancy history aids in understanding sexual practices and whether the couple has had prior children. Also critical is knowledge of any history of childhood diseases or prior medical or surgical problems that might affect fertility, such as orchitis, testicular torsion, mumps,or cryptorchidism.

The physical exam focuses on the genitalia, but also takes into account the presence of gynecomastia or other markers of hormonal imbalance or genetic conditions. The genital exam considers the location of the urethral meatus, testis and epididymal size and consistency, the presence of the vas deferens, and whether a varicocele is present.

In cases of suspected ejaculatory duct obstruction, digital rectal examination may help identify prostatic cysts. Laboratory testing in the setting of male infertility consists of semen analysis and hormone evaluation.

Ultrasound imaging can be used to assess for ejaculatory duct obstruction via determination of seminal vesicle size and evaluation for prostatic cysts, and can be helpful in confirming varicocele.

Treatment of male infertility includes both medical and surgical therapy. Medical therapy can mitigate hormonal imbalance and potentially improve sperm production,whereas surgical approaches can be used to bypass structural abnormalities or obtain sperm for use with assisted reproductive technologies.

Watch what you are eating with your partner ,eat healthy and feel healthy avoid junk food and eat fruits.

yogi khongsai