Low Carb Foods, Iron Rich Foods And Potassium Rich Foods Which Is Your Food ?
If you want to live a long and healthy
life coming right up hey I'm Yogi and welcome to my blog @
Yogikhongsai.com I worked more than a decade in retail field ,and i
have been traveler for almost 15 years.
My reading habit inspire me today to
give you a tour on which food to avoid in order to stay healthy and
fit ,I am not going to tell you about some yoga tricks or cooking tips
today yes they are also a part of staying healthy.
What I am going to tell you is to
prevent the prevent the virus before infection ,There are a lot of
foods that we go on enjoying ,for some workaholics they don't have any
other option. they plan weekly their diet chat and workout chart ,but end-up eating outside.
Their diet plan of low cab foods, iron rich foods,potassium rich foods,high fiber foods, lows foods and cub foods goes to a waste and they finish their day by final meal outside ,may be from a street-food vendor or in a mall ,where the food is modified to have the longer shelf life.
Their diet plan of low cab foods, iron rich foods,potassium rich foods,high fiber foods, lows foods and cub foods goes to a waste and they finish their day by final meal outside ,may be from a street-food vendor or in a mall ,where the food is modified to have the longer shelf life.
If you want to truly master health by
understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe, so
you don't miss anything very often we hear that you shouldn't eat
this or you shouldn't eat that and we read these long long lists.
We may not understand why these foods
are good or bad, so today I am going to talk about, which food to
avoid in case to stay healthy, I will make a list, but I will also
explain each item, so make sure that you really pay attention to each
one so that you understand
why it is a good idea to avoid
these foods.
I'm never gonna tell you that you
shouldn't eat this or that but if you understand the consequence then
you will avoid those foods in order to have the best possible health.
Some people think that just because
it's customary to put something in the mouth and swallow that's
called food.
We have all these habits of eating
things, we think that they are food, but they're not really food, so
let's first talk about what food is, and food is something that
provides fuel and nutrients.
Something that has building blocks
that you can use to build new tissue and something that contains
catalysts like vitamins and minerals and enzymes, to help your body
turn the fuel into energy and to help turn the building blocks into
Food has all those different things,
but when we process food, we destroy it, we make it non-food,so
health is the ability to turn the fuel in the building blocks and the
catalysts into energy and tissue.
To use this energy to coordinate the
function in the body with signals, so the brain receives about a
billion bits of information every second, it comes from the body from
your intestines from your tissues from your joints from your muscles.
It comes from the environment, the
temperature, the air pressure, gravity all those things generate
signals that your body has to use energy to process and regulate and
that is what health is.
The ability to manage to produce and
manage signals the better that works the healthier you are the sooner
you can return to homeostasis or balance the healthier you are.
A poison is something that interferes
with the regulation of signals either with the production of energy,
war with the transport and regulation of signals.
If the body is trying to send a signal
someplace and there's a poison then that signal is either blocked or
distorted or somehow interfered with.
So we're going to keep these in mind
as we talk about these foods, so that, we understand what it does and
if it's something that we want to eat or not ,so we'll take this list
in reverse order and we're going to start with number 5.
The 5th worst I'm going to work our
way down to the absolute worst, so the first thing that I want to
5.Any Nonfat Product
If they're labeled as low-fat or
nonfat just fat that means, they've taken something out they'd taken,
the food was complete, the food was hold but they took stuff out,
because they're afraid of fat and the fat provided flavor and texture
it had that the mouthful the richness the the satisfying properties
When they take those out then we lose
that satiating property of the food and they typically have to put in
sugar and artificial flavors and artificial stabilizers and all these
different chemicals.
That give it the same texture and
flavor and feel that the product originally had, so it's usually a
destroyed food and the fat was there for a reason in the beginning,
if nature put the fat there then it was a good fat.
So unprocessed foods have good quality
fats and when we take those healthy oils out in the salad dressings
or in mayonnaise those fats are good but when we remove them and put
something else in it becomes just a chemical concoction.
So these would be something that I
would never eat if I had the choice.
4. Daily Meats.
This is one of those things that could
be good or it could be bad ,so you have to understand why it would or
wouldn't so, if they take a good healthy meat and they don't add a
bunch of chemicals and they don't use a bunch of nitrites especially.
If the animal was organically raised
and raised on natural food, if it was sustainable raised in good
conscience, then that can be an excellent product.
But if they add a bunch of sugar and
nitrites and artificial flavors and things that give it a certain
texture and preservatives, now it's not a good food anymore, now
they've added as much poison and foreign stuff as they've had meat in
Especially things like hot dogs, now
who knows what are in those things and sometimes there is so little
meat in there that there's more other stuff, so I was talking to a
friend recently and he said that you know hot dogs sometimes have
1020 percent meat in them.
Where I come from they call that
bread,so we want to know that there are good ones and bad ones, so
avoid the bad ones like the plague, but the good ones can actually be
excellent snacks.
3. GMOs Genetically Modified
Organisms and Modified Plants.
So the primary ,wants to avoid our
corn and soy and sugar, beets there are others and you want to sort
of pay attention and find things that are non-gmo, that are labeled
non-gmo and if there are certain vegetables that you eat on a regular
like maybe eggplant and squash you
want to try to learn, which ones would be genetically modified and
you want to get organic, whenever you can out of those things that
could be genetically modified.
Because technically the organic is
supposed to be guaranteed not to be genetically modified, I don't
know if you can trust that 100%, but your going to be a whole lot
safer that way.
Genetically modified organisms those
that can combine with other DNA, that can combine with bacterial
strains in your gut flora and create whole new species, they can
produce things, they can produce pesticides, alcohol. and different
things that you really don't want in your body.
These are organisms these are species
that we never had on the planet so you really don't want to put them
in your body.
2. Commercial Oils, Vegetable Oils
And Anything Deep-fried.
So vegetable oils those are things that
aren't really vegetable, oyster seed oils, bean oils, canola and
safflower and corn oil,soybean oil etc these are very sensitive
they're polyunsaturated and monounsaturated mostly polyunsaturated.
That means they're very sensitive to
heat, light and oxygen, so they oxidize, they go rancid very quickly,
so in order to make them shelf stable they process them very harshly.
So these are chemically enhanced
chemically produced concoctions they're, so far from food that you
don't ever want to touch them, the other thing they have is they're
very high in omega sixes and these Omega 6s are pro-inflammatory.
When they deep fry things, then they
can't have something that's very sensitive to heat , oxygen and
light, because then it would go rancid and toxic even faster, so a
lot of these frying oils are saturated or hydrogenated partially
Which makes them trans fats, so a lot
of these commercial oils, if you go out to eat you really want to
avoid deep fried food, if you ever eat anything deep fried it should
be made at home in butter or coconut oil because those are stable.
You would only use them sparingly and
you'd only use them one time, so anytime you go to a restaurant ,you
have something deep-fried that's been used and over and over.
It's toxic because of the heat and the
repetition, but it was toxic to start with because of the
hydrogenation and the fact that it was so harshly processed in the
first place, so oils are not necessarily bad fats.
Not bad in general, but bad fats are
really bad, so you want to stick with the natural fats like
extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil butter, ghee those things that
are easy to process.
If you take an olive and you squeeze
it you get oil you don't have to use a lot of heat there are a lot of
chemicals to get it out those are the oils that are good.
1. White Flour Modern Wheat.
White flour or any whole grain flour
that has been processed and been refined, they often use chemicals so
it's sort of tainted, but they basically remove all the nutrients
because the nutrients make it less shelf-stable.
The nutrients react with oxygen, heat
and light, so in order to keep it on the Shelf they remove all the
nutrients and they just starchy portion, which makes it white flour
so now, it can sit there much longer but it doesn't have any
The other problem with that is, the
vast majority of all the white flour is made from modern wheat and
modern wheat is nothing like the wheat that we had on the planet
thousands of years ago.
So even if you could argue that,
humans had grain ten thousand years ago and the Egyptians developed
agriculture and all those reasons then, those grains and species of
grain were totally different from the modern wheat ten thousand years
They had Emmer and einkorn and then,
along the way we got the de spelt and the kamut and so forth, but
they were very few and then, we had rye but in the last 50 years or
so they've experimented and hybridized and manipulated.
They've gone through tens of thousands
of different wheat to try to find something that had a high yield,
that was resistant to to weather and their objective in making the
modern wheat was not health, it was not to make it healthy it was to
increase the yield.
So they could feed a lot of people and
that was the noble intention, but along the way they lost what wheat
used to be, so it's totally different and if you want a lot of
information, if really want to solidify your understanding of why to
avoid that.
I would recommend reading the book
about what they did to modern wheat and what it does to you so then
you want to avoid any kind of product made from those, I don't eat
anything with that in it anymore, so any kind of breakfast cereal.
It's kind of scary, if you think about
how many yards in the average store is just full of cereal and every
one of them has modern wheat in it and they have waffles, crackers ,
toast and all those different things.
If it's kids cereals, well don't give
them that because it's the modern wheat, it's white flour it's GMO
corn, then they add sugar, artificial colors and artificial flavors
and then they sprinkle some synthetic vitamins on top.
There's nothing in there that is food,
it isn't food anymore, so I would avoid everything that has to do
with white flour modern wheat and anything made from those products
People tend to eat
all this unhealthy foods ,Due to lack of knowledge ,even I was one of
them.if you don't do research of what to eat or what to avoid then you
are putting your and your family life in danger.
Now a days
everything is commercial they only care to sell stuff,weather its
contaminated or fresh,We need to open our eyes and research before
putting it in our mouth, new variety of meat and even plants with
more commercial values are introduced .
They don't care
about the nutrition or the contamination in the food, the only tool
we have is research and information, the more you come to know the
more you starts to avoid and stay healthy.
Research and share
is the way of the modern life ,do this and you will never go confused
again more 5 foods are on the way in my next blog so stay tune to my
blog till then
eat healthy and
stay safe.
God Bless You
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