Tomato Salsa,Red Beans And Rice,Burrito Bowl Which One Is Youe Order?

Tomato Salsa,Red Beans And Rice,Burrito Bowl Which One Is Youe Order?
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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

 Ordering And Calculating Healthiness In The Food Is An Art.

The most common order at, according to the internet a burrito bowl with rice, beans, the meat of choice, fajita veggies, tomato salsa, cheese sour cream, lettuce, guac, and a side of chips.

That's more calories than eleven cinnamon rolls! Hey munchers! today I’m sharing 3 healthy meal options at online order, as well as the 3 menu items that are possibly doing the most damage!

We are so busy, we can't think about the food contents or the food restaurant we just order like
beyond meat stock, beyond meat balsamic vinaigrette, pasta salad, chicken salad recipe, potato salad, chicken salad chick, kale chips, fish and chips, sour cream substitute, tomato, tomato salsa, fresh tomato salsa, green whichever comes first to us.

You need to do what’s right for you! I will be using an online nutrition calculator to help guide us through these 3 meals.


Steak is lower in calories and has more fats than chicken – it is not specified if the chicken is breast piece or not, so the fat could be coming from it being white and dark meat or it could be prepared with extra oil and fat.

For the most part, the chicken, steak and barbacoa are very close macro-wise, so choose what you like, but don’t choose chicken thinking it’s “healthier,” lower in fat, or lower in calories.

Brown rice is generally a “healthier” choice if it’s long grain – it should be a tad higher in fiber and protein, slightly lower in carbs, and, one the interesting thing about that it’s also lower in sodium, which is very important, and we will touch on more thoroughly in a minute.

Black and pinto beans are not too different and are both healthy choices. They do contain sodium, but choose whichever you prefer, or neither. If you want both, consider half and half, rather than doubling up.

Fajita vegetables we would think should add fiber, but they don’t really add as much as I’d like. They are very low in fat and calories and will add volume and nutrition to the meal.

For toppings, tomatillo green-chili salsa. It’s the lowest in sodium, which is really starting to add up for meal, it's low in calories, and has zero fat.

The fresh tomato salsa, but the sodium is over double of the tomatillo green, and the corn salsa is very tasty, but it adds an additional 16 grams of carbs to the meal. Of course, carbs are wonderful fuel, but many people may not need or prefer 80 grams plus of carbs in one meal, so it’s worth considering, depending on the person and his lifestyle.

When it comes to our fattier elements like sour cream, cheese, and guacamole, we’ve got to decide when those calories and fat are worth it. The guac is definitely the most nutritious choice - and some guac are quite clean, containing only avocados, lime juice, and spices - but still, it’s a lot of fat in one serving and the servings are quite large.

Depending on that salsa for flavor instead, I’ll also add romaine lettuce, because, why not? Extras – I told you I was going to share3 items to not order online.


Trust me, I know, the chips and guac are the best things that they have - thumbs up if you agree - BUT look at the stats! 800 calories, 49 grams of fat 7 of which are saturated, and 81 grams of carbs!

Just in chips and guac, which are your side dish!? Yes, we discussed the cleanliness of the nutritious guacamole, but, we have to be real with ourselves here about our overall consumption.

We’d be better off adding some of that guac to our meal and skipping the chips. Total calories for this first meal: 515 Macros: 13 grams of fat, 67 grams of carbs, 32 grams of protein.

We’ve got a fairly balanced meal that isn't high in saturated fat and provides what we should be primarily concerned with fuel, Just notice how the stats change if I were to add that 4 ounce serving of guac, even if it is healthy unsaturated fats, OR if we had those chips and guac.

The real thing we need to discuss with this meal is Sodium, This meal contains 1250 milligrams of sodium, if you don't get the chips and guac.

The AHA recommends no more than 2300 milligrams of sodium a day, and an ideal limit of 1500 milligrams for most adults. So that one meal is almost as much the “ideal limit” for your entire day.

Sodium is going to be high almost no matter what, when you go out to eat just lets us actually see that, when we calculate it out, unlike restaurants that don’t offer nutrition.

While it is a high number, it’s important to remember that, if we aren’t eating out every day and are enjoying it “in moderation,” then our bodies can handle the occasional extra intake of sodium, If we are healthy, otherwise when it comes to our diets, our exercise, and drinking large amounts of water.

If we are eating out regularly and are not exercising and not watching, what we eat and not drinking water, then yes, we want to be more considerate of that sodium. And, of course, if you have any other pre-existing health conditions that require you to monitor your intake.

Another factor to consider: if burrito bowl can last you two meals instead of one, you’ve cut all of those numbers in half, making it much more nutritionally manageable.


This one will go more quickly, now that we’ve gone through the menu once.

We need lettuce for our salad, Let’s really change things up here and omit the meat completely, I know to some food ordering fans this sounds like a sin, but, honestly, a rice and bean salad is a delicious and nutritious way to keep calories down while still feeling satisfied.

We’ll keep brown rice, as we did previously. I’ll go with black beans this time to switch it up. And, I’ll add those fajita veggies for bulk, since I didn’t get the meat this round, I’m going to double up on those veggies, to make sure that I’ll be not left hungry.

You can’t do the doubling up calculation on the website, but with some manual calculating and editing we can tell that We haven’t used the red tomatillo salsa yet, which is high in sodium, but low in calories and has no fat.

There is no reason fora salsa to have fat! I could skip the fatty element again, but this one is still a bit low in calories and I might still get hungry, so I’m going to add the guac.
quick tip, You can ask for a half portion of guac Plus, 4 ounces of guac is quite a large serving anyway.

We’ve got to talk about salad dressing. And it is time for our second of 3 items of what not to order online.


The vinaigrette online has pretty horrendous stats, because it is a vinaigrette, which means it’s an oil base.

We don’t know what type of oil that means, but regardless, 25 grams of fat and 270 calories for 2 ounces of dressing is a lot. This is a classic example of where the dressing can nutritionally a healthy salad choice.

The sodium here is higher than almost any other item on the menu, there’s a whopping12 grams of added sugar, 18 grams of carbs in a dressing? I’d rather eat a slice of bread or an apple, That is pretty much a tub of oil mixed with sugar and salt. I’d go with any of those salsa options in place of the dressing for the salad.

Total calories 525 Macros, 18.5 grams of fat, 76 grams of carbohydrates, 15 grams of protein. if you had gotten that salad dressing and remember, that’s without the meat. And your sodium, 1483 milligrams We’ve still got a good amount of protein, even without the meat.

That sodium is a bit high, and if you’re wanting a meal that will fill you up on online ordering, chances are, the sodium is a sacrifice you have to make. Just remember to drink lots of water throughout the day and the next day to help flush out your system, and try to find a balance with your other meals on the surrounding days.

It could be a good idea to get the salsa on the side and just add a bit as needed.

If you’re more of a hand-held Mexican cuisine person, how about the tacos. Now, you could choose regular tacos, but, if you think the portions of orders are large, you may consider a kid's meal, which offers 2 tacos instead of 3 and a small side instead. fun tip you don’t have to be a kid to order them.

The differences in tortilla choices are amazing. You would think the crispy would be worse because they're fried, but the fat in the crispy and flour tortillas are the same, and the calories are actually higher in the flour.

The craziest part: that sodium, And that is only for 2 taco shells, not 3. When we add the soft corn tortillas to the mix, we hit gold. Same calories as crispy, surprisingly, but only 1 gram of fat instead of 5 for the 2 shells.

They are relatively low-sodium, but still higher in fiber because it’s corn rather than refined flour. For meat, let’s switch it up this time and go with the barbecue we already know the situation with the protein from the first meal.

For tacos, I’m not sure I need both rice and beans, because one grain or starch is often enough to satisfy since we already have those taco shells. Plus, adding both can overfill these tacos and make them tough to eat.

I’m going with the black beans, and I’ll keep the veggies for bulk, too. For salsa, it just wouldn’t be a classic taco without the fresh tomato salsa for me. It is high in
sodium, but it’s the lowest in calories and the rest of my ingredients are lower in sodium than my previous meal to try to offer some sort of balance.

You win some, you lose some. For a fattier element, let’s go with guac because this meal is still not too high in calories or fat, and the guac will help satisfy, make the meal more filling, and give me some of those healthy unsaturated fats.

The kid's portion of guac is a much more appropriate size, even for adults, And let’s keep the romaine lettuce again, because it’s more like a fresh garnish, The kid's meal also has a side option, so why not go with a mandarin orange or Valencia orange, so you have a more fuel-filled choice than the chips, the chips taste better.

Total calories: 490 Macros: 15.5 grams of fat, 61 grams of carbs, 21 grams of protein. Sodium: 1075 milligrams So this meal is the lowest in calories that we’ve seen, but remember, calories don’t define how “healthy” something is.

One reason this is perhaps a “better” choice is, it is lower in sodium, but that corn tortillas possibly aren’t providing as much “nutritious” fuel as the salad or bowl. when you’ ree eating out, it’s always going to be finding a balance and a bit of a give and take with macronutrients.

Something might have more calories, but it might be lower in sodium or more fuel-filled. You have to decide what's worth it to you, and the only way you can do that is by educating yourself.


So, not surprisingly, the flour tortilla of the burrito is just absurd. 300 calories.

10 grams of fat, 46 grams of carbs, which is a LOT for a single wrap. But really what gets me, is the sodium, almost 700 milligrams of sodium in just the tortilla. Even if we pick the chicken (which is the lowest in sodium), skip the rice, choose black beans (which are lower in sodium), get veggies, tomato salsa, skip all fatty elements, we sill get 2000 milligrams of sodium in one burrito.

Really getting a burrito that actually skips the rice, sour cream and cheese, and guac, Add cheese and rice back, and you’re at 2500 milligrams, exceeding anyone daily recommendation, not to mention 1000 calories. So just be careful and, more importantly, be aware.

I’m not saying to never order the burrito again, I’m saying when you decide to treat yourself to it, know what you’re getting into and acknowledge the fact that it is a treat. And drink lots of water. There is no “one healthy meal” on ordering online, it’s all about how you build it.


I encourage you all to get on the website and try out their calculator to see where you can adjust your order to make it more nutritionally favorable, and consider options we’ve discussed like ordering toppings on the side or adding only portions of them.

I think you found the information useful And, most importantly, remember that I am never judging your choices. It’s your journey, we all have our own battles, and we will all get to wherever we’re going in our own time. Remember, it’s all a matter of mind over munch!
yogi khongsai