Orange Theory

Orange Theory
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Saturday, August 8, 2020

Orange Theory Fitness, you can try this!

Coaches, super friendly, everyone was super friendly. Like four showers, four bathrooms. Weird orange lights in there. I was not a huge fan of those, but all the equipment was really nice. Eight treadmills, I believe. Eight water rowers.

What's up guys, this is Yogi Khongsai from I just did Orange Theory and I wanted to give you may thoughts about it. So, the facility's super clean, it's really nice it's like a corporate fitness facility, so of course, you would expect that.

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Coaches, super friendly, everyone was super friendly. Like four showers, four bathrooms. Weird orange lights in there. I was not a huge fan of those, but all the equipment was really nice. Eight treadmills, I believe. Eight water rowers.

They had two bikes, I guess for people who can't use the treadmill, can't run, and then some dumbbells and you know I think the heaviest set of dumbbells they had was maybe like 50 pounds and they had some TRX bands.

They give you a little heart rate monitor and they display your heart rate, the heart rate of everybody in the class as they're working out.

They want you to be at a certain heart rate zone, although the trainer did not mention anything about not being in the red zone. He didn't tell me anything about that until the end of the class.

It was only one class that I took, so maybe that is something that they talk about, but that's something that I'm really big on is making sure that peep the hormonal response when people do that when they redline too much.

I'm actually working harder and it's better, but it actually causes you to retain fat and can cause inflammation and things like that when you have too much Cortisol is the stress hormone that's released when you're in the red zone too long.

So, didn't mention any of that, but again it was only one class that I had taken there. So class was really fast you alternate between the treadmill, and the rower and then kind of like circuits.

With dumbbells and bodyweight movements and the TRX bands. My only complaint is that there's no time for coaching.

The coach there was really good but he just didn't have enough time to tell anybody why they were doing specific movements. You know, what muscles they should have been feeling. The reason why the movement was important.

You know he spent about five to 10 seconds showing a movement quickly and go off to the races. It is lightweight and they are mostly bodyweight movement so you know there's no chance that somebody's going to get hurt.

But as a coach, I think it's important to know why you're doing movements. It really helps people connect with fitness in a different way than just you know showing them quickly what to do and having them do it.

We were doing a single leg dumbbell deadlift which is cool, props to them for including that in their the program, I really dug that but the coach, I was holding one dumbbell and he said it doesn't matter.

If your holding one dumbbell or two dumbbells or which hand you're holding the dumbbell in, Which is not true, it does matter. It changes the movement a lot

Depending using the same side leg as the hand with the dumbbell you're holding, that completely changes the way that your body has to organize itself to stabilize, why you're doing that movement so no real explanation.

Of the core stability there and while at one point the coach was right in front of me talking to me, while I was doing that and I purposefully rounded my back to see if he would correct me and he didn't say anything.

I really didn't see him make too many corrections of the other people in there. Although again, they were using super lightweight and for the most part, people were actually moving pretty well so that's kind of my main take-a-ways from coaching.

They don't offer any nutritional advice unless, as a company, they don't offer any nutritional advice, so if you're looking for somebody to help you with that then that might not be a good option.

There's no type of assessment that they do looking at flexibility or mobility or anything like that before you start classes. That is the same, at a lot of places though including a lot of CrossFit gyms there's no assessment and I think that's a travesty, and everyone should be assessing their clients.So I wasn't thrilled with that.

The way that I like to do it is, I still want to keep my cardio up at least once a week and burn some calories, that way and then I'll lift weights or do something light on the other days of the week.

Then that way if you know my weight loss slows or a few guys are trying to lose weight and your weight loss flows just from eating the way that you're eating you still have the option of adding in a little bit more cardio.

If you start everything full throttle, first of all, you're more likely to fall off your plan second of all you'll be really hungry right off the bat because your body's not used to the increased activity level or lower calories.

It's just hard to maintain especially, if you don't work up to it, so that's kind of my the suggestion there, I'm doing kind of an intense cardio session, once maybe twice, a week so usually.

Orangetheory once maybe a spinning class for the second time and then the rest I'm just going to the gym and working on resistance, so doing a leg day doing an upper-body day and then resting the other days of the week.

Because I want to keep my cholesterol levels low, so now I'm eating my big midday meal and what I've been doing lately is just I haven't been tracking my macros as much, I'll try to enter things on my fitness pal for those of you who just want to see what I'm eating.

I don't have a specific macro goal right now, I'm just trying to say that something is going to be good for my body before I eat it and if it is then it's fine and if it's not then I should probably try to stay away from it.

I've been doing that with varying success wanted to touch on Orangetheory really quickly since people started talking about it too much in all media and I'm only gone for one class, I like that it is like a very high intense city workout.

I would not want to do it like three days a week and maybe that's just because I'm super lazy, but you burned like a stone in our calories every time you do it, so I guess if you wanted your caloric burn from just doing super intense cardio.

That's definitely one way to go, it's challenging, there is a lot of running, so those of you who hate running, Orangetheory they are pushing themself on the treadmill and I write that I can definitely run faster and further than I would if I was just at the gym by myself.

I like that about it, I also like to put a heart rate monitor on you and they tell you how many calories you burn and then you get these things called splat points and it just tracks how long you were in your top two heart rate zones and those are the zones that you should be in when you're doing like high-intensity interval training.

I definitely push myself way harder then I would normally, I'm only going with, twice this week because I missed one week and I get for a month, so I don't want to lose one, but I burn way more calories doing that than I do into a spin class or something.

There's also weightlifting elements, so I like that, I said before my goal is to keep my heart in good condition and then build a little muscle and I think if I did that intensive cardio four or five times a week that I would probably get all burnt out.

I'm trying to have that good balance of I'm enjoying doing this you know finding ways of working out that I love and not just be tempted to do it all the time because the calorie burn is high.

I went to the store after the class just to get some stuff for lunch even literally I must have looked like a zombie because people were staring at me like the checkout guy was l just got back from working out?

For lunch, I'm just doing some art history chicken that I picked up and I'm chopping it up on top of a salad with some peppers and carrots and some walnuts and some chopped green apple.

I always do my apple cider vinegar or salad dressing with olive oil, so that's it for lunch today, now I grabbed one clearly kombucha from the store and these are so cool these have way left carbohydrate than the normal kombucha that I drink.

I love kombucha so grab one of those everything about falling off of just the natural foods and this past the weekend I switched at work with carbohydrates in my diet I didn't notice a lot of bloating I had maybe a little bit of water weight gain.

But it went away quickly when I switched to eating more processed carbohydrates I can just tell that I am holding water, I feel so puffy in my face, it's just a good the lesson for you that it's not necessarily the macronutrient and carbohydrates aren't inherently bad.

It's the food quality and the type that you're eating definitely has a lot to do with how you react, so I like to preach that we shouldn't villainize, like one type of food you should just really put things in your body that are best for your body personally.

Everybody's body has things that are good or have negative side effects for it so what might be great for you might not work for someone else and vice versa, the final the product I have is salad and yogurt and I'll finish my kombucha while I work.

alright guys so it's the end of the the day I ate one of these RX bars I got these at the store and they have a chocolate sea salt one that's really good, the berry one wasn't bad, but it's not my absolute favorite, but these are great because they're just three egg whites, six almonds, four cashews and two dates in this.

For a paleo-based diet this fine pretty darn well and then dinner it's about 6:20 I made two turkey tacos and I did have two corn tortillas on there with a little bit of cheese, hot sauce, and salad.

Instead of having more tortillas because I am still trying to keep my carbs somewhat low during the day and I just made a third one that's a little salad with some meat and hot sauce on top.


I think that OTF is, the Orange Theory Fitness is a great place to start if you don't want to do barbell movements. If you don't want to learn how to climb a rope, for example, you know or you don't really care about the why behind your movements and you just kind of want to get sweaty and zone out for an hour.

I think it's great, but if you're somebody who's tried other types of fitness programs before and you haven't had success and you need a little bit more accountability, you need help with nutrition.

You're looking for a why behind the movements that you're doing to help you connect to fitness a little bit more then I think that it's probably not a good option for you so I'm trying to be as unbiased as possible.

But there were definitely some shortcomings there. So try a class, you can do a free class there at OTF and try a CrossFit class or you know something else and compare the two and see what works for you. Alright, I'll see you in health.

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yogi khongsai