Keto Recipes,Keto Snacks,Keto Diet Foods Do They Really Help In Weight Loss?

Keto Recipes,Keto Snacks,Keto Diet Foods Do They Really Help In Weight Loss?
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Friday, August 7, 2020

The Faster Way To Fat Loss, Is That Keto Diet?

 The keto diet is short for the ketogenic diet, it's basically a super low carbohydrate and high fat diet and to be quite honest with you, over the years more and more people have been asking about the keto diet whether it's safe whether it's good for you

Hey, Guys, this is Yogi, and welcome to my blog @ I have been working in the retail field for almost a decade and during this, I have traveled and met so many people and I am sharing the view of a doctor, what he thinks about the keto diet.

Now despite the recent hype, the keto diet actually isn't that new, because in medicine it's being used for almost 100 years to help treat drug-resistant epilepsy in children, now the aim of the keto diet is to significantly reduce your carbohydrate intake.

So your body switches from burning carbohydrates, so using sugar for energy, to burning fats for energy, most cells prefer to use blood sugar for energy, which comes from the carbohydrates.

But in the keto diet because of the absence of carbohydrate intake and the high amount of dietary fat intake, your liver then starts to generate what's known as ketone bodies and this effectively puts your body into a metabolic state of ketosis.

Because of this, the keto diet is very high in proteins and fats like meats, eggs, sausages processed meats, cheese, fish, nuts and the list goes on, but the diet is very restricted and because of this it's actually very hard to follow over the long run.

In ketosis, your body becomes incredibly efficient at using those ketone bodies generated from the breakdown of fat for fuel, so in other words, your body becomes really good at burning fats and that was a very simplified version of how the keto diet works.

But I really did try and simplify it because, if we went through with all the details then this will go a very long or over a day-long to read so I will brief it and leave loads more information about the keto diet.

If you want all this information please go to my other blog in that I have mentioned a to z about the keto diet. as I was researching the keto then I came up to this that a lot of people have so many doubts about this diet.

Is it good for you?
Is it bad for you?

Most importantly

What is the evidence?

Let's start with weight loss

 Does the keto diet help you lose weight?

Well there was actually a really good a meta-analysis was done, in the British Journal of nutrition and it looked at 13 different studies, where they followed patients either following a keto or low-fat calorie-controlled diet for at least a year.

Now the keto diet did perform statistically better, with an average weight loss between the two have less than a kilogram, now for anyone who doesn't do kilograms that's about half a pound now there are two very interesting things to discuss these results.

Firstly these results were not found to be clinically relevant to health and secondly after two years the A small difference in weight loss actually vanished completely.

So what does that mean, well it means that following such a restrictive diet, such as the keto diet which is very hard to follow is not actually worth for weight loss.

If you are thinking about trying to lose weight or trying to lose belly fat, I have quite a few Blogs on this topic, it doesn't involve the keto diet, it's actually a diet from a study done in nutrition and if you follow it properly you can expect to lose.

0.5 to 1 kilograms every single week which is great, but here's the best part, after 6 weeks those individuals in the study also reduce their visceral fat, if you don't know what visceral fat is. visceral fat is the dangerous fat.

These individuals had a reduction in their visceral fat of about 14 percent, they also reduced their blood pressure, they also reduced their cholesterol and they had a five centimeter reduction in their waistline.

This is all through diet control, without any additional exercise, the keto diet can also have many side effects associated with it and long term it can cause many nutritional deficiencies.

The diet is so restrictive, it means that you're not getting a full variety of fruits, a full variety of vegetables or grains, the keto diet can also cause problems of the liver and kidney, so remember earlier how we said the liver is producing ketone bodies and ketosis

How these ketone bodies are used for energy, during this ketosis your liver is working in overdrive, so if you have any pre-existing liver conditions it can actually make your liver worse.

The kidneys can also be affected, because they help metabolize proteins and during the keto diet it's quite easy to overload them, because it's so easy to go over the recommended daily intake of protein that you should be having when just following the keto diet normally.

I guess, so far it's not looking too good for the keto diet, I mean does it help you lose weight not really, in the long run, it also can cause nutritional deficiencies and it also can cause kidney and liver problems.

However, saying all that we do have solid evidence, that the keto diet can help reduce seizures in children, sometimes as effectively as medication, the keto diet has also been shown to improve blood sugar control in type 2 diabetics.

At least in the short-term, generally speaking there is a lack of long-term studies into the safety and effectiveness of the keto diet, so what does this mean, well, it means that if you are diabetic and you are even considering trying the keto diet.

Please first speak to your doctor, your diabetic nurse specialist, your diabetic pharmacist specialist, any of them please speak to them first before you do anything and get their advice on it with regards to cholesterol.

There are a few studies showing an the initial increase in cholesterol from the keto diet followed by a reduction in cholesterol, however, there are no long-term studies on this analyzing.

The effectiveness of the keto diet, at reducing the cholesterol levels and it's safety, there are quite a few other negative points to raise about the keto diet.

One that we've already mentioned is it's very restrictive and hard to follow.
Two it's very high in protein intake usually going above the recommended allowance.

Three it's very heavy on the meats and other fatty processed and salty foods.

Which are notoriously unhealthy for you and in addition, it can also cause many side effects, so to begin with you will feel very tired, you will feel very fuzzy and you'll have mood swings it's very normal with the keto diet, to begin with.

You can have many side effects like feeling sick, being constipated and also struggling to fall asleep, so my final thoughts on the keto diet firstly it's very restrictive, it's very hard to follow because it's such a big change to your eating habits.

Secondly, it's not very good for weight loss, we know this, the evidence has shown it that after a long period it doesn't make that much of a difference.

Thirdly it's associated with many sides effects and problems and fourthly, which is the most important thing there just aren't enough long-term studies on the keto diet to look at its safety, to look at its effectiveness and to see if you can actually, recommend it to people.

So because of the lack of research and because of everything else that I've mentioned earlier, I tend not to recommend the keto diets and most of the people, so what I do recommend is make changes that you can sustain over the long run.

Guys this is one theory about the keto diet and there are so many study material and video log for the keto diet and those material are pointing pushing keto diet in other direction.

Did you know that the ketosis diet was actually, formed from the theory of fasting? I want to help you understand how testing your blood ketone levels and also understanding the relationship between ketosis and fasting can truly help you get even more out of your body composition goals.

And get more out of your overall health goals with fasting. believe it or not, the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting are very, very similar. The whole idea with intermittent fasting is you're trying to abstain from food for a certain period of time. So that your body ultimately creates ketone bodies.

Now when it comes down to ketosis, of course, you're eating the foods that are going to help your body stimulate ketones and refrain from the foods that would stop ketone production.

So at the end of the day, we're really after the same thing. Generally, intermittent fasting is for a minimum of 16 hours. Although personally, I recommend pushing it a little bit longer because the benefits start at 16 hours.

But when you're fasting you generally come across a couple of hurdles. Now I like to categorize them into two things. We have physiological hurdles. And then we have the mental hurdles.

You see we have this Pavlovian response to food. From the time that we are born, we are conditioned to eat food at the sound of a bell or at a specific time. Our alarm clock goes off, we eat food.

The school bell rings, we eat food. The dinner bell rings, we eat food. So we have this mental conditioning that we should just be eating at set periods of time. And when we first have to overcome that it's exceptionally difficult.

We have a lot of mental roadblocks. We feel hungry even though we're not hungry. So what does keto testing have to do with this? if you're actually testing your ketones it'll tell you are you really hungry.

And if you're testing your glucose, it can tell you if you're truly hypoglycemic. Are you really feeling that way? Or is it just your mind playing tricks on you because you're used to eating at a specific period of time?

So you're truly trying to determine if you're actually hungry or if you're just mentally hungry. You can simply look at your blood ketone levels. And if your ketone levels are high enough, you know that you have some fuel.

And if you're looking a little bit lower, then you know that you might truly actually be hungry. It's really going to give you a little bit more of an indicator of whether you're actually hungry or not.

Then we move into the more physiological effects. Because yes, of course, fasting does have an effect on the physical body. And the same holds true when it comes down to testing. You can now figure out if your body is actually utilizing your own stored body fat as a source of fuel.

This is really powerful and it's motivating. When you're going through a fasting period and you take a look at your ketone meter, and you see that your body is actually utilizing ketones and actually utilizing fat as a fuel source, nothing is more motivating than seeing that.

Because you are now realizing that you're not wasting away, you're not burning up all your precious muscle, you're actually burning body fat and your body is getting in an operable ketone range.

So truly intermittent fasting is a great way to leverage the power of ketones. But the only way that you can truly tell that you're getting the most out of your fast is if you test. So I encourage you to test multiple times throughout the day if you're experimenting with intermittent fasting.


It' will tell you a lot about the peaks and the valleys throughout the day. But it's also going to tell you if you're doing it right. So as always make sure you keep it locked in here with Keto-Mojo So that you can get the most out of ketosis and now, get the most out of your intermittent fasting regimen.

There are a lot of ways nowadays to lose fats and so many diet plane diet, charts, etc research first and then go ahead experiment in the initial stage and then measure the output and then go ahead in the long run.

What I personally feel that without any physical health you cannot get the shape of your body that you are looking for, you need to tune that muscle to stay strong and diet will do it only to some extent but you have to use that muscle till the level to make it strong

Thanks for tuning in and go to my other blogs as well for more health tips and meal prep and do comment if you have any suggestion or any query, research and share is the key towards a healthy life, eat healthily, and stay fit God Bless You.
yogi khongsai