I Think You Should Leave The Stuff You Should Know About And Follow

I Think You Should Leave The Stuff You Should Know About And Follow
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Saturday, August 1, 2020

You Should Leave The Stuff I Am About To Mention

Its Hard to eat vegiterian food now a days ,to be a pure vegiterian you have to neglect the outside world totally I think you should leave and focus on not to eat outside, I mean to say that you can not eat outside,There are so many impurities they use ,by mean of preserving or for longer shelf life or even to taste better.

There is a list of all those thins that they are diluting the original consistency all my life i have been collecting information regarding the manufacturing and diluting the orignal vegiterian product.

Hi Friends Welcome To my Blog @ To survive in our life we must need food. We love food, some people are moody they prefer to eat only in their limitations.I think you should know that there are.

So many tasty foods available in the market. Some are veg and some are non vegetarian

Vegetarian like to eat pure veg food. So many veg food veriations are available. Some look like veg so we have them a lot.But do you know, most of those are made from non-veg extractions you may say why should I worry because I buy a sealed pack always

Let us learn about them & how non-veg extract is mixed in them.

1 : Natural Red food color.

They are using this red food color to make food colourful, as a record substances are increased in creazy amount. These food colors are made with chemicals. They are damaging our health. As people got aware of these colors,they are avoiding to use them. They are trying to use natural red food colors.

If we get to know how natural red food color is made,every person will puke for sure. Because this color are made from Cochineal insect. By that way natural red food color is in total a non-veg product.

2 : Cake Mix.

On birthday or any spl occasion we first go crazy for desert or cake. To make cake thy use eggs in all sorts of bakery.

But in some casess veg people eat cakes that are without egg, mostly the cakes which are available in the market they label as egg free cake or egg free desert ,but in real they mix the fondant with pig fat and in some countrys with cow fat to make that smoothere.

3 : Salads.

With ower ambitious people ,they have lost the habit of eating in time, or mostly eating healthy ,after a while they decide to lose weight and start eating low fat diet ,and end up eating mostly salads.

For weight loss ,they dont realy have the time and pations to make the salad in their home rather, they buy ready made,comertial salads are more colorful. Even they taste better.

So many people show interest to buy those salads. But they don't know that they use eggs & pig fat for taste.

4 : Packed Orange Juice.

Juices are very good for our health. So,many like to drink them. The home made juices are always fresh, but working class they dont bother to make it on their own in the comfort of their house for a bit of a lazyness and busy scedual.

Orange juices have great demand in the market. If you are buying the packaged you may be having fish oil along with orange juices being a pure veg.

They add fish oil for taste & preservation they mix omega 3 fat acids in it. This omega 3 fat acid is extracted from fish.

5 : Nan.

A lot of Indian,MiddlEastern restaurent are famous for the nan it is a flat bread greased with clarifaied butter to mop up the tasty juces and currys.

These are actually made with all purpouse flower . So vegetarian people eat them as they are free from any king of bio product

But actualy the dough is mixed with egg to make the doug soft. Its complitly a non veg dish.

6 : Chewing Gum.

Many people eat chewing gum to keep mouth fresh or for mouth exercise. To make them soft & stretchy they use cow or pig skin,bone flesh & some parts in muscle.

7 : Cheese.

The dishes in which the major compoun is chease have great taste. Some kind of cheese are eaten directly. So this have great craze all over the world.

So many companies are in compitition to make chease taste better ,so they end up mixing the Rennet enzyme. This Rennet Enzyme is made from some parts taken from stomach of goat,cow & pig.

8 : Donout.

They look so smooth & Attractive you will never stop at one, many people think they are pure veg, thats what we think, but the truth is they use Listen Chemical for Donuts to be soft. This chemical is made from bird features & legs

9 : Chocolate.

The chocolate is liked by all age people on the earth. We all fall in love with all kinds of chocolate, they have a great demand. Based on the compition many companies are making hugr veriaty of chocolates.

They use Rennet Enzyme to make chocolates more smooth & tasty. This Enzyme is made from Stomach parts of pig & cows.

10 : White Sugar.

From morning coffee to all sweet things that we hwv in a day are made with White Sugar. This sugar is made from Sugar Cane juice. If you get to know how it got the white color ,then we will not touch it again.

They use different animals bones powder. To make it white .


Ii is truly hard to maintain a pure vegiterian diet, but if you drop out some of your lazy habit, than you can stay healthy and eat what you like, withought preservatives.

Try to make a group meal togathet try to cut vegetables seperatly and the night and prepare the dressing in the night and store it in a large container ,I have alredy geve tips on how to make pre dressed salad in one of my bloge you can check that out too and I have also gave some meal prep tips and tricks in that for workaholics who dont have much time to eat.
 To all my vegiterian friends keep safe and eate safe. Try avoiding outside foods and try to cook it your seif take a little more time for yourself from your work.

Thanks for tuning, share coment and do tone in again gor more.untill next time.

                                                         GOD BLESS YOU!!

yogi khongsai