How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Best Fat Burner

How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Best Fat Burner
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Friday, August 21, 2020

Easy Ways To Get Leaner At Home Also Post Surgery Workout

You can do this workout every day if you're looking for a quick and effective routine, Or you can do this as part of shredding program, which you can find help with cutting, this program is designed for those people who want their body fat % to minimum @ 7% This will lead to a lean body, healthy fats, no fats from domino and I will show you some easy fat burning and fat belly removal tips and tricks.

Today's workout is only 13 minutes and it'll work your whole body.

We have three sets with seven exercises each, five to ten seconds rest and 15 seconds rest in between sets.

  Cross body Mountain Climbers

Bring your knee as close to the opposite elbow as possible and keep your core engaged. To keep your core engaged remember to breathe, gluts engage and make sure your core is tight.

We've got a quick five seconds break and then we've got


You can do regular bur pees or add a push up if you want to. Make sure you do it safely and not on a slippery mat.

So for low impact just take it nice and slow We'll have a 10 seconds break and next is

High Knees

Make sure your core is engaged and bring your knees up to your hips level do it fast and controlled and remember to breathe.

For low impact just bring your knees up without the jump.

In-And-Out Squats

Squat down low while engaging your gluts and core and jump back in and repeat Make sure your glutes engage and your back is neutral.

For low-impact, you can do the squats without the jump.

Push-Up with Mountain Climber

Start with the push-up and do two rounds of mountain climbers and repeat.

if you can't do a push-up you can go for just mountain climbers or just knee push-ups. Whichever that you like better

Skater Jump

This is a really great exercise to keep your heart rate up.

Make sure you take a big jump but be safe guys that's really important. The last exercise for set one is Spider-Man plank, this is a great exercise to work the abs, so keep going guys you can do this! And that's the end of set one.

We've got 15 seconds break or you can take up to a minute break if you want to and we're

Cork Screw

Start by bringing one leg across and touch your shin or your knee with your opposite hand.

Start slow if you are new to this because it could be quite tricky at first, but it'll get easier after the first round. For low impact just bring the knee across in a high plank position.

Plank Jacks

This is super great for your core, make sure your butt is not poking up or dropping down and for the low impact, you can do it without the jump.

Reverse Lunge

to work those legs

Make sure you engage your core and your front knee does not pass your front toes. And next, we are gonna bring it up a notch with

Jumping Lunges

Make sure you land softly and be safe, don't injure your ankles.

So if you can't do the jump just keep going with forwarding or reverse lunge.

Up-and-Down Plank

This is another really great exercise for the upper body, and for the abs Keep going guys, we are almost done with set two!

Triceps Toe Touch

Touch your toe with your opposite hand make sure you keep your core tight as well.

The last exercise for the second set is Burpees keep going guys we're almost there! And that's the end of the second set!

We've got 15 seconds break or you can take up to a minute break if you want to and we'll

kick off the final set with some

Planks with Bunny Hops

Jump both feet to the left and then to the right This is getting more difficult now, but you can do it and for low impact just bring one leg to one side at a time.

Jumping Jacks

Do it fast and controlled and for low-impact, you can just do it without the jump.

Lateral Lunge followed by Curtsy Lunge

Sit your hips back as you do the lateral lunge, then bring your legs behind you and do a curtsy lunge.

This is a really great exercise for your inner and outer thighs Let's do the same on the other side.


This is kind of like a high knee with a lateral jump.

To jump to the left then bring your opposite knee up, then repeat on the other side. For low-impact, you can take a step to the left or the right instead.

Bicycle Crunch

to work those abs bring on the in touching the opposite elbow and squeeze your abs Make sure you remember to breathe and we're almost done with the exercise guys.

Just one more left to go! And the final exercise is

High Knee

Go all out for the last exercise you can do this and for low-impact, you can just do it without the jump

Let's work out for that fat belly region, and that flab that hangs around your waist these are so easy going workout and you don't need much of equipment.

We are targeting those sexy 11 line abs and flat stomach. We are going to be working into a flat toned tummy in just 15 minutes. No equipment needed. If you have a water bottle, grab it though.

We are going to burn our abs. Start by crunching in towards the chest. Then straighten the leg out. Change side. 45 seconds on each exercise. 15 seconds of recovery.

We will do a side crunch to target the obliques. Followed by a twist rotation. Side crunch Straight onto the other side. Really working into the muscles on the side of the body. Into the waist.

Making sure you're really rotating the body as you crunch across. To hit those obliques. Breathe, Crunch the body up. Straighten the legs out.

Flutter kick

Come up into a reverse crunch. Flutter kick Should feel your core. Both legs over to the left. Left-arm is out to the side. We are going to crunch in. Then crunch the leg up.

Straight Onto The Other Side

Take your legs over. The right arm is out to the side. As we crunch up, we go to the center. Then we crunch in, as we go across. Keep digging deep.

Come straight up into sitting. Your core will be on fire. If you have a water bottle close by, grab it. We are going to roll back to our biting point. Pull your core is nice and tight.

As you rotate to the left, the right leg lifts up. You're going to hip joint, to hip joint. Rotating through the waist. The water bottle comes up, over your head. Your knees are bent. Roll all the way up, and as you do rotate to the side.

Keep it controlled. Particularly on the way down. Controlling the movement. The burn is real! The water bottle stays in your hands. Reach the legs up to the sky. Reach to your feet. Drop one leg down, and back up.

Change to the other side. Legs up.Slow and controlled. Keep your core really nice and tight. Feet are touching. Knees are apart. Place the water bottles in the hands. Come on up to the center. And back.

All the way, if you can. Rollback, hold. From there, you're going to open and close the legs, as you hold. Under 10 seconds left. Another set of side reaches. This time, in between, crunch the knee towards the chest. Side reach.

Knee to chest

Touch the elbow to the knee. Straight onto the other side. Your core should be burning. If it's not, don't worry! It's going to get harder as we go along. Holding your head.

Nice and high in the crunch. Really crunching towards the chest, and up. Meet your elbow to knee. Straight up into sitting. We are going to do a single leg lift. Into a Russian twist. Legs nice and long across the mat. Rollback and feel your core. Go as low as you feel you can go.

That's how you're going to work your core. Lead with the other arm now.

Boat hold

Second-to-last exercise. Then we are going to do a counted repetition exercise.

If you want your water bottle you can. Spread your butt cheeks. Rollback to your biting point. Where you can really feel your core kicking in. Just hold, relax those shoulders. Breathe. Let your core do the work.

Legs up, or if you're a beginner just keep them here. Or keep your hands behind you. It's up to you. Do not stop. If anyone is feeling really strong, try and straighten your legs. Beginners you can be there, that's absolutely fine.

The last exercise is a

Counted Repetition Exercise

We're going to be doing as many sit-ups as we can. The hands are over the head. You have to touch in between your legs.

Then come back down. Count your repetitions.

We will also be talking about some post-surgery exercises but do remember always consult your doctor before starting and is it is putting a lot of stress near the healing area then you just stop doing it

whether you've had a C-section, your appendix out, or any other abdominal surgery, it's important to get the thumbs up from your doctor before you start any type of physical activity.

Absolutely. So for most surgeries, they're going to get clearance around six to eight weeks. No matter what type of surgery or procedure you had, you want to make sure that you get that overall clearance from the doctor.-

When we're looking to get started, we need to sort of pay attention to our body, is that right? - What you want to look for is that everything's healing properly and that the exercises aren't causing any pain.

So you definitely want to use modifications.

The lowest impact possible is going to be beneficial. So, instead of a plank, you'll modify on your knees. And there's actually regressions even before the plank before maybe you even get to that.

But you don't want to feel any sort of pain.

Your body's just not ready for it yet. - And is it important to keep the workouts shorter? - You want to limit that time, maybe even as short as 10 or 20 minutes to begin, and then allow your body to rest and see how you feel in that recovery process.

And you want to add in extra breaks too, 'cause maybe we are happy to get back into the workout and get back into the gym, but then that next day or two, it may cause soreness that we don't want or that could prevent the healing properly.

With that, they showed me what she recommends for getting started

Exercise Number One

. We'll lay back and actually use our breath for engagement of the core, and even that pelvic floor.

Hands by your side, keeping those feet flat, inhale through your nose, and actually as you exhale through the mouth, I simply want you to drive your belly button down into the mat and try to lift that pelvis up off of the floor.

And once you feel that you actually have that strength and power and engagement, then you can progress it to a tiny lift off of the ground.

Exercise Number Two

So exercise number two is actually a progression of that pelvic tilt and modified bridge. I'll take you to a full bridge, and we'll challenge our stability a little bit.

Walk your feet in a little bit closer and as you exhale using everything that we've practiced on step one, come up to a full bridge. We'll take it to a march. 10 on each side is a good starting point, but again, listen to your body.

Exercise Number Three

So our third exercise is going to be a tabletop, and then it progresses to a bird dog. We'll add some movement to it as well. That will help establish a nice strong foundation and by challenging the stability and movement of the core.

Those hips square and what we'll do is extend our left leg back. And once you've found that balance and stability, then you'll extend your right arm. You'll get lower just the opposite way we lifted, so first your knee and then your hand.

And then we'll do it right on the other side. I'll show you the movement on it as well.

That's the workout guys I hope you have learned something, Feel free to do this workout every morning or whenever you get time.

So let's recap what we talked about today, and I think it's don't be afraid to get back to exercise after abdominal surgery. Take it slow, ask for help.

Once you get that doctor clearance, you want to start improving to help your balance, to help your posture. You can do something, these three exercises are an absolute great starting point.

Always compliments your heavy workout with a balanced diet and do the calories and carbohydrate chart.
Always remember that it takes time, workout, diet, sleep and time will make you healthy and you can have rock hard abbs.

yogi khongsai