Hot Topic Home Remedy For Workaholics

Hot Topic Home Remedy For Workaholics
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Thursday, August 13, 2020
Home Remidies and Paper Cup Diet Plan

Simple home remedies using spices, herb, and seeds, Actually help us cure health ailments, and get us some comfort and ease our pain. Let's find out today. Of your common health conditions, there are all of us may face, nowadays.

Include their basic ones, like your constipation, acidity, gas, or bloating. And also the most serious ones, which actually involves a shift in the major parameters of our body Which includes your insulin resistance, PCOD, PCOS, diabetes, thyroid, and things like that.

Today I'm going to be sharing with you, My top 7 remedies to these ailments, Which have not only been tried and tested on me, my family members, But also all of my colleagues who really benefited from these.

A little disclaimer though before we begin that I'd like to give is, That all these ingredients that I am explaining to you overhear, are very potent in their properties, and very specific health action-oriented.

So these are very potent herbs, spices, and seeds, which can't be consumed every single day. I suggest, that you consume these for a maximum of 21 days. And then you discontinue these or consume them occasionally, Only when your symptoms reoccur.

You dont have to totally avoid the things that you love munching on a free time between work or in a break ,Hot topic for today is dont mix mint and mobile, avoid meat ,you may be having meat like carnivorous and eating beyond meat but thete are things likegrilled cheese,plenty of fish, home depot, paper io,think like spider man far from home.

The reason that we don't recommend these to be part of your daily food, is because these are not foods. these are medicines, and they should be used as medicines and not daily food items.

So now that I've told you that little disclaimer, we're good to go, the first health ailment that we're going to discussing today, is the one that I come across the most with my friends at my office.

This involves insulin resistance, PCOD, PCOS, premenstrual syndrome, which is PMS, also diabetes and menstrual cramps. For all of these conditions, my two super-powerful ingredients are, Saffron and Cinnamon.

Now what we'll do is very simple. We'll take 3 to 4 strands of Saffron, add a little water in the night. And consume it in the morning with the soaking liquid. We can also whip up a herbal concoction of the same, by adding the water and the strands to a little warm water.

We're going to add the cinnamon just like it is inside this herbal concoction itself. Cinnamon has properties that help increase the insulin sensitivity of the body, and Saffron is very cooling in nature, which helps with menstrual disorders.

Anyone suffering from diabetes the most common treatment, that I give them is Fenugreek seeds. All we'll do with this is soak 1 tsp of Fenugreek seeds in water in the night.

And again consume this in the morning. And these are very beneficial because these actually help to improve the overall tolerance of glucose in our body.

My next remedy is for cold, cough, flu and infections we basically make this herbal concoction, by boiling all these 5 ingredients and reducing it to half, to make it more potent.

The first ingredient is the mighty Ginger, next is cloves and black peppercorns which we actually make a powder, and keep in all in spice boxes.

Then some Basil leaves, then last is curry leaves. All we'll do is take all of these 5 ingredients and add it to a pot, reduce it to half and make a concoction, like the herbal tea that we discussed before.

They actually add lots of antioxidants, to our body, help our body by increasing the immunity and helps us fight infections in a very effective way. The next remedy that we'll be discussing is for acidity or inflammation.

All I want you to do is use turmeric, and black pepper. We're going to boil this in water or reduce it to half, and make an herbal concoction. Some people do not like this in warm water so I suggest, you that, you can also take this like a shot.

It means you add it and dilute it with equal amount of water, and consume it just like a shot Always remember that turmeric has a compound called "Curcumin" in it.

The bioavailability of this is increased by adding black pepper. So if you add just the turmeric, it's going to be useless for your body. The availability and absorption of all of this are increased, by adding a good source of fat, you can use ghee or coconut oil, either of these two.

Whether you're making just short or you're making the herbal tea, I suggest, that the best combination is the one which involves, all of these 3 in it.

So the next remedy that I'm going to talk to you about, is the one that I get the most request and questions about.

That is gas, flatulence and bloating We all suffer with this, especially in my office, I've seen, all of my colleagues and friends tell me that specially during the later half of the day, they felt very bloated and gassy.

A major reason of this is also a sedentary lifestyle, and the fast paced life that we all live. So my age old remedy for this and the one that always works, is this, it's made of 4 ingredients, the first one is Carrom.

We have fennel seeds, we have some coriander, and we have some cumin. Now all we're going to do is to ensure that you soak these overnight.

If you do not soak these overnight and use them directly in the morning, this doesn't work. So if you really want the anti bloating effect, soak them overnight, reduce it to half in the morning by adding it to the flame. 

And all we'll do is just strain and consume the water.

All of these 4 ingredients not only have amazing anti-bloating properties, but also help improve a weekend digestive system.

My next remedy for you is for sleep disorders, disturbed sleep, anxiety, or stress.

The one thing that's my favourite and what always works is chamomile. Always ensure that you're using the fresh dried flowers of chamomile, As a pose to the variety of their tea bag.

Because sometime they might contain caffeine, and that actually then dilutes the whole purpose of it The next thing is nutmeg.

Remember to use just a pinch of this, both of these help you relax, and actually switch of your brain before you sleep, so that just calms you down and provide lots of relief, from stress and anxiety too.

Both of these ingredients are actually known to help us calm down. And actually switches off the brain before we go to sleep, promoting a sense of deep calmness and relaxation.

My next remedy is for thyroid, hormonal imbalance or a metabolism related disorder.

We'll do is, takes some coconut oil, and add a tsp of coconut oil to your morning herbal drink. All of the magic comes from, the medium chain fatty acid, which also increase the metabolism, and around weight loss.

Just ensure that the coconut oil that you're using, should be cold pressed and also organically sourced.

My last remedy is for all us who feel a little tired in the evening, you know that mental fatigue or physical tiredness kicks in, or you have a little dip in energy, post your lunch time.

This is also for all of us who want to start our day in the morning, with a kick start, but not use caffeine as a substitute for that. So this called paper mint, you can also use stress peppermint.

I will trake a dried peppermint, this actually helps us kicks start our day without a caffeinated beverage. It also helps us get fresh breath and increase our alertness, without the use of a stimulant like caffeine.

Peppermint can also be used as a tea after your meal, So as a post meal digestive, this works wonders.

I have meating so many peoples lately and they look changed, I ask for the reason and all thy just say is that they been eating a lot lesser than they really do,it surprised me a bit at first but now, I have an idea, I have been experimenting with that a lot and I think it is working.

Take a look at that ,I'm showing a new type of diet which is a paper cup diet. Paper Cup Diet is nothing but a portion control diet. It is pretty easy to follow and you'll be able to lose up to 10 pounds or 5 kilos in 7 to 10 days.

The most important thing you need to have, to begin with this diet is something to control the portion size with paper cup, Paper or foam cups or wax paper cups any would do.

These cups are not expensive at all and are easily available at any stationery, gift or a grocery store, but they have a thin lining of plastic to keep the food hot or cold which I don't think is health friendly hence to make the process more environment and health friendly you can use a glass measuring 200ml for this diet.

The idea is simply to restrict the portion.


Take three cups : First cup is for carbohydrates and needs to be filled up with brown rice or whole wheat or brown whole-wheat or multigrain bread. In case of bread or flat bread, break it into small bits and then fill them in the cup.

This way you would be able to accommodate more bread or flat bread slices. I was able to put in about two slices of bread. The second cup is of fibre so fill it up with fresh fruits of your choice and fill half of third cup with protein like boiled eggs or chicken, steamed fish or grilled meat.

If you are a vegetarian then have tofu, boiled lentils or beans like chickpeas and black beans, green lentils etc.

For lunch

Fill the first cup with brown rice. Second cup with boiled or stir-fried vegetables or any soup and fill half of third cup with protein like boiled eggs or chicken, steamed fish or grilled meat.

if you are a vegetarian, then fill half of third cup with tofu, boiled dal or lentils or beans like chickpeas black beans, green lentils etc

For dinner

Fill the half of first cup with brown rice which means we will cut down the amount of carbs to half.

Second cup with boiled or stir-fried vegetables or any soup and fill half of third cup with protein like boiled eggs or chicken steamed fish or grilled meat. if you are a vegetarian, then fill half of the third cup with tofu, boiled lentils or beans like chickpeas, black beans, green lentils etc.

Now to know how much food you will get to eat in this diet, you can transfer the lunch to a plate. You can see that the portion size is very much sufficient for one person. The plate is almost full.

Depending on the selection, this diet plan will range from 1,300 to 1,500 calories a day. You're not allowed to eat anything outside the three paper cups. You can drink a glass of milk or almond milk, lemon water, coconut water, green tea, cold brew coffee etc.

Every time you feel hungry in between the meals. If you are stir-frying vegetables, then use less oil and less salt. Also ensure to use a good quality oil like olive oil etc.

This plan will prevent you from overeating as it's easy to control the food amount with paper cups hence this will prove beneficial for people who bin eating a lot and to those who eat unnecessarily.

This plan will also prevent you from eating junk. Just plain homemade food for a healthy body and mind. You will get enough nutrition for the entire day as it covers carbs fiber and protein.

You can save a lot of time as cooking time is less. The plan is safe for all may be a Thyroid PCOS, PCOD, Diabetics, Elderly, Fatty Liver or IBS patients etc, as there are no restrictions on what you wish to have in terms of fruits, vegetables or protein.

Choose whatever suits you. This diet is sugar-free as in there is no added or refined sugar in this plan which will keep you healthy and active. Follow this plan for 10 days and if you are able to carry on with it, then you can follow till you achieve your weight loss goal.

Try to indulge in some activity like 10 to 15 minutes of fast walk each day. Hope you like this Paper Cup or better known as Glass Diet Plan. practicing portion control and eating clean can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.


These were my top 7 remedies for top 7 health ailments. That you come across every single day in most households.

The one thing that I want to share with you though, is the use of a Kettle like this. All we'll do is buy a glass Kettle, which comes with a small infuser.

You can add all of this spices just to the infuser, add some hot water, just pour it over this, and all we're gonna do is cover it up.

Once this had a chance to sit for about 5 minutes, We are going to strain it and consume the herbal concoction. This is an easier way, if you don't want to physically boil it on a flame and reduce it to half.

So these are the ways that you can actually get the benefit, of all of these concoctions that we discussed today. I really hope that my simple home remedies can cure your health ailments and you do not require, any external medication for the same.

yogi khongsai