Follow My Health Or Follow Health Insurance ,How To Lose Weight

Follow My Health Or Follow Health Insurance ,How To Lose Weight
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Thursday, August 6, 2020
Easy Dieting

A lot of people approach weight loss by dieting and they hate their life, they hate the food they're eating and it's just really no fun. That is not what I'm about. I'm about enjoying the journey, eating delicious food, just having weight loss happen along the way. Sound good? Alright, so let's get started.

Hey there, Yogi here, Welcome back to my Blog @ Today I will share with you some of my top tricks for healthy eating and weight loss that have really helped me over the years.

I have been working in the retail field for almost a decade and during this time I had traveled to many outstation posts to visit clients, that made me study so many of the other citizenship and their ways of diet to control fats and live a healthy lifestyle.

Meal prepping is huge so if you plan ahead and you make your meals and you have those ready in the fridge, then you can go grab them when you're hungry and you don't have to worry about making your own food.

It takes all of the extra work out of eating healthy. Next, portion control is super important and when I say portion control, I do not mean eating a pea and a carrot for dinner. Absolutely not.

I mean eating what your body needs in order to feel full and energized. If you have larger portions than your body needs, all of that extra energy will get stored as fat so you don't want that. You want to eat just what your body needs.

Another important tip is to understand macros, breaking down what's in your food and understanding why a well-balanced meal is well-balanced.

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You pay attention to the proteins and make sure they're lean, have your carbs be not simple carbs, but complex and be heavy on the veggies for your meals.

If you need help portioning out your meals, a kitchen scale is a super helpful tool to have in the kitchen.

They're not expensive and they'll help you understand how many ounces of meat you're having and all sorts of other measurements too, so that you can stay on track with your macros. A great way to take control of your own food is to start cooking your own meals.

That means really taking charge of the ingredients you're using, the portion sizes you're making and really just getting to understand what ingredients you enjoy and what's healthy and what's not healthy.

Learn how to start identifying sugar in all the foods you're eating. If you have added sugar in there, it will spike your blood sugar levels, it will hurt your body and it will just leave you craving more and more sugar, which will make weight loss very difficult.

Definitely, you will be drinking water. Water is so helpful when you're trying to lose weight. It keeps you hydrated so you want to make sure that you're giving your body what it needs. Typically you want to look for about half of your weight in ounces each day for water.

For example, I weigh 140 pounds. I should be looking to have about 70 ounces of water every day to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Believe me, you cannot lose fat by munching on onion rings or Siping french onion soup

A great way to portion out your meals is to use meal prep containers so I highly recommend investing in a good set of meal prep containers that you can take with you, you can reheat in the microwave because they will be invaluable for losing weight.

If you're out at a restaurant and you can't go portion out your meal and you can't go measure how many macros you have, you can always not eat everything on your plate. You can just put some to the side, you can take it home in a doggie bag.

Portions at restaurants are so much bigger than they need to be so you do not have to eat it all. Pay extra special attention to nutrition labels.

These are basically telling you everything you're putting into your body. Avoid foods with 10 ingredients or more, nitrates or nitrites, added sugars, food coloring, caramel coloring, MSG and highly processed fats like hydrogenated oils.

Did you know that your body actually tricks you into thinking that you're hungry when it's actually thirsty? That's because your body wants water and food has water in it so it's just trying to get you to give it water as much as possible.

So next time you feel hungry, instead of grabbing a snack, try having a glass of water first. You might not even be hungry afterword. It is one of the biggest strategies I use when I'm hungry to not just overeat all the time.

Grocery shopping, when you're hungry is the worst so avoid doing that at all costs. If you need, have a high protein snack before you go grocery shopping. Otherwise, you'll be craving and buying and probably eating all of the carby snacks insight.

Remember to forgive yourself if you make a mistake along the way. The bottom line is you're human. We all make mistakes.

You will have great days and you will have not so great days. The trick is to identify once you've made a bad choice and to stop doing it and just move on. Alright so this one's kind of a no brainer, but you want to keep healthy foods close.

If you have healthy foods close, you'll eat them and this is why people choose convenience foods like Snickers and things like that at the store because they need something close to them and that's the closest thing when they're hungry.

Pack grab and go bags with pre-portioned amounts of healthy snacks so that you have them when you are hungry. Things like nuts and fruits and things that are easy to grab, easy to eat and you have them next to you.

If you struggle with lunches and you need a healthy lunch, but you're not quite sure what to do because you work a nine to five and you don't have a lot of time, prep mason jar salads or easy wraps so that you can have them with you.

They don't require reheating and they're really easy to just grab and go. Don't be afraid to still enjoy the foods you love. All you got to do is find healthy replacements for some of those unhealthy ingredients in the foods you already love.

One way to spot sugar anytime in your nutrition labels is to look for the ending OSE in the foods. If you have an OSE, that means it's an added fake sugar and you do not want that in your food.

Examples would be high fructose corn syrup, glucose, sucrose, maltose, dextrose. When you're grocery shopping, follow the perimeter rule.

That means you'll go around the edges of the supermarket where things like produce and dairy and meats are and you'll avoid all of that prepackaged stuff in the center like cookies and all sorts of unhealthy sweetened stuff.

Make a grocery list before you go grocery shopping and stick to it so that you get all the things you need and you avoid all that prepackaged stuff that you don't.

Using an app or keeping a food diary will be super helpful for you at first to get an understanding and a baseline for what types of food you're eating and what makes them up.

So if you're not sure where you are and you're trying to figure out why you're not losing weight, try using an app to keep track of everything. So losing weight isn't just about your food and your diet.

It's also about how you sleep and does your body get rest. So definitely you wanna make sure you're getting a good amount of sleep each night.

Have you ever noticed that if you wake up and you haven't slept very well, you're craving carbs and sugary treats all day?

That's because your body is really trying to get you to give it energy by just giving it sugar no matter what it is. so definitely work on getting enough sleep each night. If all else fails and you don't have a lot of time, make use of a blender.

Blending a smoothie or a protein smoothie is so helpful because you get a quick meal and you can add in healthy veggies and fruits and you get your protein as well. You can also plan ahead when you're eating out at restaurants.

You can look at the menu ahead of time and make sure that you know what you'll order. That will leave you having a good choice rather than leaving yourself up to being rushed and super hungry.

Try to keep in mind that this is a clean eating and a healthy lifestyle journey. Weight loss is going to happen along the way, but what you want to do is focus on taking care of your body, being nutritious, and just enjoying the journey.

If you hate drinking water and you're trying to find ways to add more water into your daily lifestyle, try having a glass of water before any other drink, before you have your coffee in the morning, before you have anything else or you could also, add in some lemon slices or some fresh fruit to make it taste better while you're getting used to it.

My top five healthy replacements for unhealthy ingredients are plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt for sour cream, zucchini or quinoa or chickpea noodles instead of regular pasta, coconut sugar or raw honey instead of brown sugar or white sugar smashed avocado instead of mayo on my sandwiches and wraps, mashed fresh berries instead of super sugary jam and natural peanut butter instead of super processed regular peanut butter.

Consider trying intermittent fasting as a way to kickstart your weight loss. Intermittent fasting requires you to find windows of time where you'll choose not to eat and also windows where you're going to eat.

You still have the same amount of calories you need each day. You'll just condense it into a smaller timeframe.

We all know that exercise is good for you. It'll help you lose weight. One thing that I do with my exercise which is strength training, which is awesome for weight loss is I do it while I'm fasting.

So in the mornings when I haven't eaten anything, I have my workout and then I have my post-workout shakes after that and that really burns a lot of calories and uses up a lot of stored fat. Alright, food is amazing. Donuts are awesome.

Pizza, spaghetti, all that is amazing. Don't withhold that from your life if you love it. Something I get asked a lot is done I ever have sugar, do I ever eat bad and the answer is absolute. I actually schedule it into my calendar.

I have cheat meals so that I can enjoy a meal that doesn't follow any of my normal healthy eating rules because I like that type of food.

If I want fried chicken, I'll have that once a week. If I want pizza, I'll have that the next week. I make sure to have that so that I don't crave it all the time and when I'm done, I move on and go back to my healthy lifestyle.

You are having avocado in the salades and I personally use instead of mayo peeled and smashed, it is good for burning fat and we all use it for its benefit on the body, But it also helps in our eye health, it will make us see better.

Avocados are incredibly nutritious loaded with vitamin K folate vitamin C potassium and healthy monounsaturated fatty acids to name just a few studies have found that avocados significantly reduced total cholesterol levels.

Conversely lower LDL and blood triglycerides, this study even found that those who eat avocados are half as likely to have metabolic syndrome way less have a lower BMI and significantly less belly fat.

One of avocado's most significant benefits are the powerful effect that they have on our eye health, recently I stumbled across an interesting article on how we should eat and prepare avocados to get their full benefit.

They contain that two carotenoid eye nutrients found in dark green leafy vegetables, lutein and zeaxanthin, the critical carotenoids are concentrated in the darkest green flesh close to the peel and because of this consumers should be advised to use the Nick and peel method to obtain the nutrient-rich outer section of the avocado.

The tough nutrition health letter detailed what that means you cut in half lengthwise around the seat or rotated a quarter turn, cut lengthwise again to make a quarter of a cut off segments then you separate the quarters and remove the seed.

And finally starting from the tip Nick and carefully peel, so as not to lose that nutrient-rich darkest green flesh immediately under the skin so you cut the avocado in half lengthwise around the seed.

Then you rotate the avocado a quarter turn and cut lengthwise around the seed to make quarter avocado segments separate, the quarters and then starting from the top Nick and carefully peel each segment.

The reason why this is so important is because the greatest concentration of carotenoids are closest to the skin and in fact avocados contribute 11 beneficial carotenoids to our diet

Which act as antioxidants, antioxidants protect ourselves against the damage of free radicals, an evidence suggests that free radicals play a strong role in heart disease cancer and many other diseases.

The lutein and zeaxanthin found in avocados protect against macular damage in our eyes as they work by filtering out blue light, which can damage the macula, the small area at the center of our retina responsible for what we see straight in front of us, at the center of our field of vision.

This is more important than ever because of the large amounts of blue light, we're being exposed to through digital devices.


It's all part of the journey and it's all part of something that makes me happy as a healthy person. I hope that you're now armed with all sorts of health tips and tricks for your weight loss, for your healthy eating journey and that you cannot wait to get started.

If you enjoyed it and if you have any more weight loss tips you want to share below, go ahead and add that in the comments as well.

If you're looking to get meal prepping right away, check out my meal prep for weight loss Blog which has seven days of super delicious healthy eating meal prep recipes. Thanks so much, I'll see you next time, Good buy

yogi khongsai