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Monday, August 3, 2020

Vegan Food Near Me, Healthy Food Near Me, Must Avoid All This Outside Foods.

We have removed nutrients by processing, some of them can turn a little bit poisonous with the interference, with the chemicals and however they were processed, but now we're getting into the stuff that is actually poison.

Hey, guys, I am Yogi and welcome to my blog @ in another addition of foods to avoid to live longer. I have to work in the retail industry for almost a decade and it made me travel a lot.

During this time I started investigating about the processed food, that as a workaholic we end up eating then I came up with a revolutionary result, that's what I am going to share with you guys. this food we should avoid eating so i start with number 5.

5. MSG Mono Sodium Glutamate

These are chemicals, these things have no food value, they don't provide any fuel or building blocks or catalysts, there's nothing in there that your body needs and MSG monosodium glutamate, it's a flavor enhancer.

Monosodium glutamate is a neuro transmitter, it's something that your body uses to send signals to and Smit messages to excite activity in the body, but when we add it from the outside now we trick the body.

So when you put it on the taste bud it tricks the taste buds into more activity and it tricks the brain into thinking things taste better than they are, It's like a dream come true for the processed food manufacturers, because they can trick your brain into thinking it tastes better than it does.

Thinking that you should eat more than you want to and you can't stop because it's a drug effect, so these are called excitotoxins and what they do the reason is called also the Chinese restaurant syndrome.

You stimulate your brain, overexcite your brain and then it's when you work out a muscle that muscle gets lactic acid and it starts burning and you get tired, you can feel it in the brain.

You can't feel it you just excited that brain cell, until it's overworked and then it shuts down and either, it just wiped out for a while or you actually killed off that brain cell, so that's why they're called excitotoxins.

That's in the Chinese restaurant the syndrome you feel and then you crash, that's the reason you want to avoid these and this is basically 99.9% of all canned soup of most flavored potato chips or corn chips or any snack product, that has like a barbecue flavor or jalapeno flavor anything except your basic salt flavor is going to have MSG in it.

Also salad dressings, there is it's basically, the thing that gives flavor to ranch dressing ranch the dressing doesn't taste the way it does without msg, it's extremely difficult to make a ranch dressing that tastes like ranch dressing unless you use msg. so just be aware of that know what it does and avoid those.


The only reason sugar isn't number one on the list is that sugar is one of those things that it's not poison, it doesn't fit in the poison category, it's just a refined and highly processed food.

Tt does provide fuel, it doesn't provide any building block or catalysts it can be converted into energy, even though it depletes the body because it doesn't have any nutrients come with it.

But the dose makes the poison, so sugar is the most natural molecule on the planet everything that is plant-based is sugar, it is glucose, it's just different forms, trees are glucose, the grass is glucose fruits and vegetables are glucose.

So it's not absolute, it depends on the form it comes in, it's not a poison, it's the quantity that makes it poison and the way that it becomes a poison is when we have things like refined white sugar and high fructose corn syrup and we put it in drinks.

Now it's way too easy to get too much, you have a sweet drink, you have a soda you have a sweet tea, if you're in South America and it's a hot day and you start sipping on sweet iced tea and you can drink gallons of that stuff.

There's as much sugar as in soda, so it's a bottomless pit, it's a trap anything nectar often times they call it nectar instead made with real fruit, well it's a little bit of fruit and then they added synthetic chemicals and sugar, energy drinks don't give you energy.

There are stimulants there's sugar drinks with some caffeine and with some other stimulants in there the very popular coffee drinks now I like Starbucks I get black coffee I get espresso I get a cappuccino sometimes.

But I stay far away from all those pure drinks the Frappuccino and all the flavors stuff because it's pure sugar and chemicals, drugs and they're addictive, so when you have these drinks it's so easy to drink hundreds of grams of sugar every day.

Now sugar is poison sugar is the root of all evil for these reasons because it's such a big part of our culture and our habits, everywhere we look there's sugar, so the drinks are the worst but then, of course, anything that contains sugar like candy or snacks or muffins or waffles or pancakes and syrup.

So forth stay away from sugar, I would suggest that you count the sugar, just learn how much you're consuming and I would suggest you keep the added sugars at between five and ten or zero to ten grams a day, anything above that I think is too much.

Now it very easily becomes the drug with that addictive effect and it starts putting a burden on your liver, because your liver has to metabolize all that fructose that is in that sugar

3. Margarine

Margarine is a synthetic man-made food, it is a toxic chemical everyone pretty much agrees, now even the mainstream government guidelines, they say to limit trans fats they finally made it mandatory to put trans fat on the food labels.

Because they are the only thing on that food label that is a true poison, margarine is a manually saturated fat, they start off with a synthetic, with a highly processed plant oil, it's harshly processed using, high heat, high pressure and lots of chemicals.

They get a very toxic product high in omega-6 s, then they make it worse, they shoot at high speed and high pressure and high temperature, they bombard this with hydrogen's ,with protons.

They turned that polyunsaturated oil into partially saturated, they solidify it and in doing that, they create a molecule that doesn't exist in nature and when you eat this it is very poorly broken down by the bodies, very poorly metabolized.

You use fats in the body for fuel, but you also use them for cell membranes and the structure of these fatty acids determine the properties of your cell membranes, your cell membranes are the barriers that decide the inside and outside of the cell.

They determine what is supposed to come in and what's supposed to be stopped, so they make decisions, the cells, the membrane is the true brain of the body, that's where decisions are made it's like a transistor, it's a semiconductor.

If you have margarine in your body that's not broken down and the body is deficient in these proper essential fatty acids, it's going to start substituting, whatever fat it has and it starts putting margarine, it starts putting trans fats into the cell membrane.

You disrupt, destroy and alter the signaling properties of that membrane and this has been implicated in every kind of disease including cancer, you distort the body's normal responses in so many different ways, so margarine is way up there with of toxins.

Sadly when they did most of the studies on heart disease and they found out that heart disease was caused by fat, then that was at a time when everybody was eating almost exclusively margarine.

That's the biggest reason that fat got a bad rap was that's what people were eating at the time and they saw that these people they're eating so much fat, well sure they ate some animal fats but they didn't eat butter, they ate margarine and that's why they got sick.

2.Donuts Cake And Frosting

These combine the worst properties of all of these so-called foods nonfoods, so donuts are deep-fried they use terrible oil, they have trans fats partially hydrogenated fats, they have sugar modern wheat of combining all these different things.

They have all these other chemicals, flavors, colors and dough conditioners with it as well, so I don't think you could possibly design a worse food with fewer nutrients and more bad effects on your physiology than donuts.

Now the cake the only difference is cake isn't deep-fried but it's still modern wheat and it's still the oldest sugar and typically cake has some frosting with it and the frosting is made with shortening, which is a partially hydrogenated vegetable fat.

So it's really just like another version of margarine, but it's worse, so cake and frosting and donuts they sort of combine all the worst of the really bad stuff of any of these above.

If you have a party, if there's a celebration somewhere and you just feel to have had some cake then look up some recipes online look for some keto cake look for some paleo cakes all right you can make very very tasty desserts on natural foods without using any of the bad fats, without using any processed sugar.

You can make it healthy, it's not something that you still want to eat don't turn it into a staple, don't make it another food group, but if you have it for the occasional celebration you can have it and not feel bad about it.

1. Artificial Sweetener

Because it is not a food, it is not a nutrient, it is a poison, it's neuro toxin, all of them are, some of them are a little bit worse than others, so I would say that aspartame is by far the worst and then we have sucralose ii known as Splenda.

Aspartame is NutraSweet sucralose is Splenda saccharin is sweet and low and asked to sell fame potassium or acesulfame k is usually not sold by itself, but it's put in combination with other things.

So virtually every time that you see aspartame or sucralose you'll see an add-on and what's so bad about these things they are neurotoxins, they are chemically made they have no function, no position, no place in the human body.

The reason aspartame is so terrible is it breaks down and the breakdown products are formaldehyde, also known as the embalming fluid it breaks down into methanol, wood alcohol.

The stuff that can make you go blind and it also breaks down into an excitotoxin a neurotransmitter, just like the MSG so it has a triple effect of super-toxic poisonous effects in the body.

There's a high number of liver toxicities and kidney failures and all sorts of autoimmune conditions that is in my opinion and in my experience caused by aspartame, there were more formal complaints to the FDA about a sport in the ten years following its release.

The FDA had received on formal complaints in the history of the FDA so this is poison the others are not much better, they're still man-made they're still very poisonous chemicals, sucralose is a chlorocarbon it is chemically related to DDT.

The family of pesticide most have been banned in the entire world for being carcinogenic so stay away from artificial sweeteners and anything that contains them so you have to be very careful, the obvious giveaway is Diet sodas, Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi.

But also low-calorie yogurts they will have artificial sweeteners in them, chewing gum it had regular and unsweetened as well, the regular had sugar and the other one had artificial sweeteners.

Guess if both regular and sugar-free have artificial sweeteners because it prolongs the flavor, so they put sugar and this stuff in it so you have to look very carefully that, there are some chewing gums on the market that don't have these, are sweetened with sugar alcohols like xylitol, etc.

Those would be much better in moderation, but the flavor you can tell because the flavor only lasts of a few seconds and of course, that's why they put this synthetic stuff in there.

But don't use it because it's poison as far as drinks, the only drink that I drink is a diet soda, but it is has nothing strange in there it has no artificial colors no artificial flavors, it is sweetened with stevia only, that would be the alternative, if you're trying to get off Diet Coke That's what I would suggest.


The reason you want to avoid all these items all these categories of food is that they are not food the only thing would be deli meat if it is high quality if you research a little bit about how its produced.

So don't just call food near me, Chinese food near me, fast food near me, food delivery near me, Mexican food, Thai near me, that food near me, Indian food near me, food open near me, healthy food near me, food near me open, vegan food near me, delivery food near me and order think and research before ordering the food you may even read the review about the food or the hotel you are ordering from and then you can order if it is not poison that you are putting in your mouth

You read the ingredients and there's nothing strange in it, it can be a good snack if not then avoid it, like the plague it will make you sick, it will poison your body, it will shorten your life, if you agreed with this section then you can learn a whole lot more
thank you so much for tuning in and I'll see you in the next blog

God Bless You
yogi khongsai