Belly Fat

Belly Fat
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Saturday, August 22, 2020

What Causes Belly Fat?

your weight in pounds does not necessarily reflect how much fat you have nor does it reflect where the fast is located, which is really the risk factor that we're interested in. least not when it comes to your health.

A recent study found that the number of people with excess abdominal fat is much higher than the number of people deemed obese and overweight by BMI measurement. and that excessive abdominal fat is what leads to a heightened risk of chronic disease.

Reduced quality of life, and an increased risk of death regardless of a person's BMI. here's a simple way to tell if you have excess abdominal fat and therefore are at elevated health risk.

Men, by the way, tend to store their extra weight in their bellies. what we sometimes call a potbelly or a beer gut. that apple shape is more dangerous and where women tend to store fat. that's around their hips and bottoms. the so-called saddlebags are known as a pear shape.

What Is Belly Fat?
Fat it's not just the inch that we can pinch either from your arm or some other place that's known as subcutaneous fat, our abdominal fat is the dangerous fat is the fat around the abdomen and, visceral fat is the internal fat around our organs.

These type of Fats are prone to heart the disease we know that high amounts of visceral fat put us at risk of type 2 diabetes and it is been observed that higher risk of breast cancer in women is also caused by this type of fats.

How Belly Fat Is Formed?

When you start eating a lot of sugars and that might make you fat, in an experiment performed by medical students bu mimicking the actual belly and the organs, that will will represent the belly and the conclusion that whether or not eating lots of sugars can affect the size of our belly.

They started by pouring artificial fat into the model and the results were so extreme the fat literally overthrows your body it's uncontrollable it takes over everything and this is done it again.

Sugar the refined carbs that cause the problem so now that we've established that.
visceral fat is considered healthy, the problem arises when the fat levels become abnormally high.

This increase in visceral fat can be due to various reasons such as the following. 1. Eating high-sugar foods.harmful health foods are delicious to consume Foods containing too much sugar

Studies have found that eating sugary foods like cakes can increase the level of visceral fat in the body. Fat conversion in the body can be reduced by High fructose diet Studies have shown

Eating foods containing trans fats. Trans fats are used for preserving packaged foods. These fats are considered unhealthy to overall health as they have been shown to cause several diseases.

Quickest ways of increasing belly fat. Is eating foods containing trans fat.

Excessive consumption of alcohol. High intake of alcoholic drinks has been linked to belly fat. While moderate alcohol intake can help in lowering the risk of some diseases, excessive consumption, however, can cause serious health issues.

Alcohol develop a protruding belly hints to the danger of excess alcohol intake to daily overenthusiastic workaholics
In women during menopause Prone to gain belly fat.

This is because menopause slows down the production of estrogen which causes fat to be stored in the wrong places like the abdomen. Before menopause, the normal production of estrogen causes the body to store fat around the hips and thighs, but when the estrogen levels decrease, this function is affected.

Living a sedentary lifestyle. Inactivity is another cause of belly fat. Various studies have discovered that people who sit or lay down for long hours every day are more susceptible to developing belly fat than those who do not.

Other possible causes of belly fat are. � Eating low-protein foods. � Stress. � Imbalance in the intestinal flora. � Eating low-fiber foods. � Genetics. � Lack of sleep.

How To Lose Belly Fat?

I actually think the solution is not cutting out fats it's maybe cutting out bad fast, but it's adding back the good fats.

The right that's Bob show us, yeah so we start doing that and we should start seeing is our fats going down now and go look at that and melting that away it's melting away just appearing as you do because

The fat cells in your body actually panic if they don't have the right fats around them if you can soothe them by eating the facts that reduce inflammation in the body then it begins to melt away at a much more elegant way and it also makes life a lot easier to be enjoyed

Can Belly Fat Be Genetic?

Belly fat is a bigger health risk. it's around your pancreas, liver, and heart. it makes those organs not function very well, and it's genetics that determines both overall weight and where you put that weight.

The genes that determine the body works in the brain, even more importantly, doctors have found the gene where are you store your fat. They are one of the authors of a major study in major genetics that examines the gee gnomes of 100,000 people.

Drugs can change our body type and our health risks it is related to our gens.that's what they actually do in our body

That fat distribution goes from unhealthy to healthy, maybe we can reduce the risk of type two diabetes. and at least one such drug already exists. and others are being searched for. despite that, you may have been born with certain genetic predispositions, that does not mean you are doomed to obesity.

Which Foods Cause Belly Fat?

According to some people vegan is the only way, some people say dairy is good for you and gives you strong bones, some people say milk and dairy are bad for you, some people say meat is good for you and healthy.

The fruit is bad for you it's too surgery low carbs high carbs all of that, so honestly, all are just theories, Start each morning with a healthy glass of orange juice what actually there, in reality, it has 24 grams of sugar in a single 8oz glass.

A big brand marketing label baldly prints that, the juice does not have any GMOs and that it is 100% juice in a smaller font, it's from a contract for those who don't know what an 8oz glass looks like and the average person has 3 glasses of orange, with breakfast.

I made the change to have green tea in the morning, it has so many benefits like lowering blood pressure and improving memory improving brain function and increasing fat burn.

These healthy organic non-GMO bars where my favorite until I read the back and saw, it had 42 grams of carbs, 260 calories, and 21 grams of sugars in one single bar, the sugar show is equal in one energy bar, so even thou there are labeled as organic and non-GMO these bars have added organic sugar.

Healthy energy organic protein bar that was actually beneficial for my body so well the cliff bar ate organic non-GMO and has 9 grams of protein it also has organic cane syrup and organic dry cane syrup.

The Rx bars contain 12 grams of protein there soy-free, gluten-free, no added sugar no artificial colors filters or flavors there is a variety of 11 different flavors.

With flavors like peanut butter chocolate, chocolate sea salt, mixed berry, and blueberry coconut chocolate my personal favorite is the peanut butter chocolate, the coconut chocolate, and the chocolate sea salt.

My next and biggest mistake that I will always have after my workouts have 90 grams of sugar greens and ginger from Jamba juice, it's not a secret that fruit contains a a large amount of natural sugar that ordering off all fruit and veggie menu.

Making a healthier choice expressly because the ingredients were kale lemon and ginger and a small amount of mango and peaches, well it turns out that on the menu it says lemon but if you look online it's actually lemonade what contains a a large amount of sugar.

All the fruit and veggies no GMO, no high fructose corn syrup labels are actually deceiving for the amount of sugar that's actually in the smoothie.

Now breakfast, so many people say eating pork is bad for you, so I was thinking of making a healthy quick breakfast by replacing my pork bacon with turkey bacon.

Being that turkey is low on fat, then paring it with a whole wheat bagel that is also healthy and having a side of avocado that is my personal favorite, healthy option and turns out there is only one healthy thing on this plate and it's not the bacon or the whole wheat bagel.

It turns out that turkey bacon is advertised that it contains less fat and lower sodium, but some well known brands turkey bacon contains diacetate, that is a harmful the ingredient that basically disregards that this brand of turkey bacon is actually healthy.

I stopped eating whole wheat bagels are marketed with 100% whole grain 0 grams of trans fat, when the whole wheat bagel is typically referred to as healthy.

Well, this bagel actually contains high fructose corn syrup that is banned in Europe and is very harmful to your health.

After taking away the turkey bacon and the high fructose corn syrup bagel, I replaced the bagel with a truly healthy and organic whole wheat bread and there so many different options to try out to choose from

Why Belly Fat Is So Hard To Lose?

Losing weight is hard. The overwhelming majority of people who try to do it don't succeed or end up gaining back what they lose, sometimes more. And that's not just because pizza is amazing.

If you can't eat for whatever reason or need a little extra energy to grow or reproduce, your body can turn to fat which is why, from

Still, you'd think

that losing weight would be pretty straightforward: just eat less than you need, force your body use up some of its fat, then go back to eating a normal amount when your the size you want to be.

But the body doesn't want to lose its energy buffer no matter how large or small it is so when you cut calories, it reacts in ways that ultimately make it harder to lose weight. A lot of the push back is driven by changes to hormones.

One of the most important is leptin, a hormone secreted by your fat cells. The larger your fat cells are, the more leptin they produce. So when you lose weight, leptin levels drop.

. Other organs also use hormones to complain to your brain about the decrease in fuel intake. Your stomach tells your brain its not getting filled by increasing levels of the hormone ghrelin.

At the same time, your pancreas secretes less insulin, which regulates blood sugar, and amylin, which signals fullness.

When your muscles need energy, they generally use a mix of stored fat and circulating glucose. But when you're on a calorie-restricted diet, they rely more heavily on glucose, so they end up pulling more energy from the foods you eat instead of those fat stores you're trying to lose.

They also make other small changes to become more efficient and so do other tissues in your body.

Here's the really annoying thing: this hormonal starvation signal doesn't stop when you stop dieting. That makes sense for leptin since its based on the amount of fat you have. And these hormones can stay altered for years.

So even when you've stopped restricting calories, your body continues to act like its being starved which is a big part of why people who lose weight often gain it back. To make matters worse, even regaining the weight doesn't shift your body out of energy-efficient mode.

But it's not a simple, linear relationship. How much energy you use per kilo at any given body weight varies depending on whether you've ever been heavier or skinnier.

In particular, the researchers looked at the participants resting metabolic rates: the calories their bodies burned at rest. It's basically a measure of the minimum amount of energy needed to keep a person's cells running.

In the years that followed, though, they gained back an average of 41 kilos, and their metabolic rates didn't go back up accordingly.

Which means to lose weight in the future, they have to restrict themselves even more than they did the the first time around.

Lots of other studies have come to similar conclusions. After people lose weight, even if they gain it back, their bodies simply use fewer calories per kilogram than similarly sized people whose weight hasn't changed.

It's not yet clear just how long all these anti-weight-loss changes last or if they ever completely go away.

Scientists are still trying to figure out how our person genetics, the foods they eat, and other factors affect how a person responds to dieting.

But given how fiercely the body can fight slimming down, its no wonder so many people struggle with it.

Can Belly Fat Cause Back Pain?

The biggest problem that's confronting American society at this point now is obesity. And I'll use that as a segway to describe what happens when you're obese, both to the stresses on your spine and in fact, functioning posture such during work, or sitting, or driving a car and things like that.

The biggest problem is that a segment of our population, a vast segment of our population, is overweight. A very significant portion of that population is incredibly overweight.

Which Food Reduces Belly Fat?
You can actually eat some of these healthy fats the best fats to fight belly fat-saturated fatty acids some new fights in other words and we want to have one serving of them at every meal and snack throughout the day and this is going to shut down those fat cells and help stabilize the blood sugar.

Which as we know is what's really behind the belly fat and MUFAs our olive oils nuts nut butter avocado and a little piece of dark chocolate, so lots of ways they're getting it they don't make it easy to keep going


Gut health and metabolism, finding the missing link to lasting weight loss, and that is rebalancing your gut health. how gut health helps you shed extra pounds, boost your metabolism, and best of all help blast that belly fat.

That way you can find out if gut health may be undermining your own weight loss efforts. the gut is one of the most metabolically active organs in the body. So what that means is your gut is responsible for producing energy for all the cells in your body.

So if the gut isn't healthy, then the rest of the body isn't getting the energy that it needs, and it essentially goes into low-power mode.

Your body isn't thinking about doing extra things like losing weight - it's in preservation mode and so one of the things that happen is that you'll your body will tend to store more body fat because it thinks it needs an extra source of energy.

yogi khongsai