10 Proven Health Benifit For Apple Cider Vinegar And Turmeric Tea,By Modern Science

10 Proven Health Benifit For Apple Cider Vinegar And  Turmeric Tea,By Modern Science
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Friday, August 14, 2020

A healthy Recipe For Turmeric Tea And Benefits Of Apple Cider Proven

Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck just above your collar bone. It is one of your endocrine glands that makes hormones. Thyroid hormones control the rate of many activities in your body these include how fast you burn your calories and how fast your heartbeats.

I am sharing a turmeric tea recipe for thyroid health with a secret ingredient that helps to nourish your thyroid. My friends, and my office mates, gym buddies have greatly benefited by this, This was advised by one of my gym trainers.

All of the activities like your total calories burned, your heartbeat rate is your bodies metabolism, depending on how much or how little hormone your thyroid makes, you may often feel restless or tired or you may lose or gain weight.

Women are more likely than men to have thyroid disease, especially right after pregnancy and after menopause. Women are 5-8 times more likely than men to have thyroid problems.

The causes of thyroid problems are largely unknown, but the best part is, the thyroid can be managed to an extend by changing your lifestyle. If you have a thyroid problem or autoimmune disease, then you may have inflammation in your body.

Turmeric can help in reducing inflammation throughout the body since excessive inflammation is often present alongside thyroid disorders. This miracle spice helps to protect the thyroid.

Consuming turmeric daily has also been effective in reducing weight, lowering cholesterol, and balancing hormones related to thyroid conditions. Turmeric has high levels of antioxidants that protect the thyroid.

Turmeric can help heal a leaky gut. Turmeric may prevent thyroid cancers from developing. Turmeric can help decrease brain fog a common issue related to hypothyroid.

Turmeric actually improves oxygen intake to the brain, thus helping it to heal and even reduce the plaque associated with Alzheimer's and dementia. Turmeric may help to increase thyroid levels in those with hypothyroidism.

My original turmeric tea has ginger, and cinnamon, but sometimes it is hard to find good quality and them are mostly unavailable. So, in this turmeric tea recipe, I am using another powerful ingredient that not only helps to absorb turmeric faster into the body but also helps in nourishing and protecting your thyroid gland.

Into a serving glass or a cup, add-in half tsp turmeric powder and then add in 1/4 tsp black pepper powder. Now, why is black pepper powder important? Ground black pepper will increase the bioavailability of turmeric, which basically means it makes it possible for the body to absorb curcumin the active ingredient in turmeric.

Piperine an alkaloid found in black pepper can increase the bioavailability of curcumin by up to 2000%, add in hot boiling water and once the water cools down a little, add-in 1/2 to 1 tsp virgin coconut oil.

The active ingredient in turmeric which is known as curcumin is more easily absorbed when taken with fat. Turmeric is fat-soluble which means, it dissolves in fat and in order for the body to be able to absorb turmeric you may have to add some fat.

Virgin coconut oil is the secret ingredient in this turmeric tea recipe, which will help to nourish your thyroid gland. Virgin coconut oil is high in healthy saturated fat, lauric acid, and medium-chain fatty acids.

Its unique structure makes it highly usable energy for the body and is nourishing to the thyroid gland. 50% of the fat contained in coconut oil is a fat rarely found in nature called Lauric Acid.

Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Lauric acid is a powerful virus and bacteria destroyer and coconut oil contains the most lauric acid of any substance on earth other than breast milk.

Losing weight becomes a harder task if you are suffering from thyroid issues because thyroid hormones have a direct impact on the body's metabolism. Combining turmeric with coconut helps to accelerate metabolism and also has a greater satiating effect.

The lauric acid in coconut oil converts to monolaurin which improves the metabolism as well as the immune system. Coconut oil naturally suppresses inflammation and helps to repair tissues making it highly effective in the treatment of hypothyroidism, to reduce inflammation and fight pain.

Low thyroid hormones slow down the body's function and also weakens the contraction of muscles that line the digestive tract leading to constipation. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil work as a natural laxative and thus it helps in relieving constipation.

The tea is also good for weight loss and another best product that I am going to discuss with you is Apple cider vinegar it has multiple uses not only as a marinade or hair rinse or anti order it has many uses it can also stand strong if added in weight loss diet or plan

Apple cider vinegar

Let's do some research that does it deserve all of the hype it gets, does it cure weight loss and diabetes and cancer and all that kind of stuff. Spoiler alert.

Apple cider vinegar is pretty amazing it has a bunch of scientific research behind it to show that it has a lot of value. And we'll dive into several of those valuable things that apple cider vinegar can bring to your life if you start to incorporate it.

What the heck is apple cider vinegar?

It's made from apples, it's actually something that is made from fermented apple juice.

It's made is made with apples, But then it's actually fermented and that turns the alcohols into what we now have as apple cider vinegar. Let's go over the major assumptions about apple cider vinegar and what people say that it does.

Apple cider vinegar helps with digestion, it lowers blood sugar levels, it improves insulin sensitivity, it helps you lose weight, it increases your feelings of satiety, meaning, feeling full, it reduces belly fat, it lowers cholesterol, it lowers blood pressure, it helps with general heart health, and it slows the growth of cancer cells.

Those are some really big and powerful health benefits. And the truth is, that apple cider vinegar is a really big nutritional powerhouse. It does help with all of those things I just mentioned and I'll dive into why it does that and how it does it.

Many studies have been done on the effects of weight loss by using apple cider vinegar. And the results show that it does in fact help reduce weight loss. If you drink apple cider vinegar diluted in water, it will make you feel full.

So that allows you to not feel hungry all the time which allows you to not eat which allows you to lower your total calories which will help with weight loss. In fact, it contains no calories so you can actually have it while fasting.

So while you're doing intermittent fasting, during your fasting window, you would actually be able to have water mixed with some apple cider vinegar, have that help you feel full.
And then continue your fast, which is a really powerful thing for insulin production, which we will talk about in a second.

Speaking of insulin, apple cider vinegar is really helpful for reducing your overall blood sugar levels and your blood insulin sensitivities. And why that's helpful is because having less insulin being produced and secreted means you'll be storing less fat which means less weight gain.

Another health benefit of apple cider vinegar is that it can actually help reduce your blood pressure. It helps control the hormone renin which is produced from your kidneys. And that is responsible for helping to restrict and constrict your blood vessels.

By helping to control that it helps to have normal blood pressure. Studies have shown that consuming apple cider vinegar helps reduce your bad cholesterol, also known as LDL, and increases your good cholesterol, also known as HDL.

Studies have shown that it actually improves your cholesterol in a good way and decreases it in another good way. Regarding digestion, apple cider vinegar helps in a number of ways. It can help reduce heartburn, it can help with bloating and inflammation, it can help keep you regular.

So basically when you consume food you have that food in your stomach and proper digestion requires certain levels of acid to break down that and get all those enzymes going so that you can start to absorb your food and then start to pass it.

If you don't have the normal acid levels that'll stop up and you'll get bloated, you'll get heartburn, it'll be uncomfortable.

What apple cider vinegar does, is it actually helps improve the acid levels in your stomach so that you can actually help with digestion, get everything going more smoothly and then move everything along like it's supposed to be.

Some recent research has suggested also that apple cider vinegar has helped to reduce the growth of cancer cells. So while it will not replace treatment there is some interesting research out there saying that there's a chance that it could actually reduce some cancer cells.

If you are drinking it, it's recommended to dilute it in water. You can take a full glass of water and add one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into the water. You'll probably start with one tablespoon to get started because it does have a bite to it.

It is an acid so it'll taste strong. You want to be careful when you are having apple cider vinegar all the time, I suggest using a straw to drink through because it can have an effect on your enamel on your teeth.

You don't want to be breaking that down, by just putting acid on it all the time. Consider how it would be if you just drank straight lemon juice all day. Another way to add more apple cider vinegar into your diet is to use it in salad dressings and just add it to your foods.

It works great as an ingredient, you can use it in salad dressings, mix some salad veggies and add some apple cider vinegar in them that are really tasty. It's easy to turn it into a vinaigrette because it's your acid, so you just use it as your vinegar in a vinegarette.

It's really tasty and it has a lot of health benefits for you. You could have your glass of water. You could mix in a little bit of apple cider vinegar. Add in your lemon juice, you could even add in a little shot of cayenne pepper for a little spice, which also has some weight loss properties to it.

You could add in a little bit of ground cinnamon or some ginger, and add in whatever flavors work for you. All of those have really great health benefits and can add to the flavor of the tonic.

If you find that you just need to add a little bit of sweetness, I would recommend adding in some raw honey and stirring that together. Also, you can have apple cider vinegar either hot or cold.

If you would rather go and heat this up and have it all in a nice cozy mug, that works as well. Or if you want to have it chilled. Either way, you'll get the same health benefits.

Research has shown that about 15 to 30 milliliters per day of apple cider vinegar has the best benefits. So that means just one to two tablespoons a day is really what you should be having.

And that's a mixture of any way you have it. If you want it in a drink or a salad dressing, all of that counts as the total. So keep that in mind as you're adding in apple cider vinegar.

It doesn't have to be much. And definitely maintain moderation. You don't want to have a ton of it. That'll not gonna help you any more than just having one to two tablespoons a day.

Yy advice would be, if you're just getting started, start with one tablespoon a day and see how you feel with that, see how it tastes to you. You can even break that up over the course of the day.

The reason why we don't want to have too much apple cider vinegar is that there could be potential health hazards if you over-consume it. Or for other people that shouldn't have it entirely.

And like I mentioned before, it does have an impact on your tooth enamel, so you don't want to be having a ton of it. Also, if you have a stomach ulcer or a kidney problem, you should definitely talk with your doctor before adding any apple cider vinegar, because it is an acid and it can cause some irritation for you.


Turmeric with coconut oil and with a combination of exercise, removal of processed foods, and a balanced diet will help you to manage, support, and nourish your thyroid.

If you have thyroid issues drink this turmeric tea with virgin coconut oil and you will notice a considerable difference in just about 5 days.

Turmeric tea and apple cider vinegar both have a very vast nutritional and disease-resistant value

When you have it, keep in mind that a little goes a long way. And it is not a miracle cure. It helps to promote positive health in multiple areas of your well being and your health.

But it doesn't mean it'll cure everything and the more you have it, the better you'll be. You always balance things like this with a healthy diet and definitely some exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle, rather than trying to go to one specific thing to have that cure everything.

This is just one small part of how to have overall wellbeing. So where are you at on the apple cider vinegar and Turmeric tea research? Do you love it, do you hate it, do you have it religiously every day?

Maybe add in any recipes that you love to have your apple cider vinegar and Turmeric tea with.

yogi khongsai