Mediterranean Diet Or Banana Calories Brat Diet ?

Mediterranean Diet Or Banana Calories Brat Diet ?
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Monday, July 27, 2020
 Whose The Judge Of Your Life?

You need to find which diet specifically works for you and for most people and this is the real kicker of the Blog it's not really dieting at all you don't have to follow some stringent protocol, just chose Mediterranean Diet Or Banana Calories Brat Diet  and activate.

Hey guys this is  Yogi and welcome to my Blog @ and in this set ion,I will mention some of my favorite healthy food swaps, when starting a healthy life I know that it can be overwhelming.

which diets are going to work for you and the answer to that is a little bit more complicated than you might think, most diets are going to work for people and what I mean by that is that.

Most diets aren't going to work for you but there is a diet out there that is perfect for you and the proof of that is in the stories, you've heard of a thousand people who have lost weight on diet plan.

And kept it off, probably heard more people, who haven't kept it off there's definitely people have found success, then you got the exact opposite of meat diets and that is vegetarianism.

Or even being a vegan and you've heard of plenty of people, who have done that you've probably heard of people, who have lost a bunch of weight on paleo and you've probably also heard a bunch people who have lost weight by just eating Twinkies and protein shakes.

That's an actual diet go ahead and look it up, Twinkie and protein shake diet and the point is there's a thousand of them out there all of them have their success stories.

Where you're kicking out an entire food group, or you're kicking out foods that you love, you know pizza, ice cream, donuts whatever it is and a lot of people when they are trying to just eat salad and apples they will eventually fail because of the suffering.

There's going to be more on this in future blogs it's kind of outside of the scope of this Blog, but which diets work, to simply put it all of them work we need to find which one works for you and the main thing is is to take out the suffering.

So if a person loves meat, if they just love eating nothing but steak and you know some vegetables and more steak and some pork on top of that, then that diets going to work really well for them.

Because they're going to be able to stick to it and that's the key, if you had plenty of friends that don't even like meat at all, I eat chicken just to get my protein, I teach them how to get protein without chicken and they end up being a vegetarian.

They love it and they can stick to it and that's where their success was found not because being a vegetarian is necessarily better for weight loss and you're going to hear different opinions.

But in my experience being a vegetarian isn't better for weight loss than being on Atkins I'm not a big supporter of Atkins at all, but people who love it have found a lot of success.

So why not embrace that and take that a little bit further and go ahead and use that for your success, so to put it simply all diets work we have to find which one works for you.

The main thing is to take the suffering out of it, specifically for women though I found a common problem comes up with almost every single one of my female Friends that I've ever worked with.

The problem is the protein intake and struggling to get enough protein and it tends - from what I've seen, women tend to just not like to eat chicken breast or pork steaks as much as men do and so they tend to struggle to get to their protein.

There is definitely a ways around that, again I'll be reviewing a lot of Blogs on how to get more protein in the future, but just to summarize it real quick.

Chicken breasts I know it's not that exciting, but get a bunch of different spices, find a local spice shop not just something like your local grocery store, but find an actual spice shop that specializes in that.

You can have different tasting chicken every single day of the week, so chicken breast, tuna really any kind of fish and then making sure that protein is in everything else that you're eating.

So if you're eating carbs and you're eating rice, you're not going to be getting protein but if you swap that out for beans you're going to get pretty much just as many carbs but more protein.

That's going to go with it, it's more of a nutrient-dense food than Rice is and so that's just a small tip that can help you there as well, but getting your protein is one of the most important things for weight loss.

So at this point you might be thinking he didn't really answer my question - what diets work and the truth is all of them work we have to find what specifically is designed for you.

What works best for you? and that means that you're happy and there's no suffering, so you can either try different diets until you really find one that's this one is going to work.

I'm enjoying this and I'm loving this or you can stick with me read more of my Blogs coming up in the future and I'm going to be teaching you how to take the suffering out of dieting.

How to take the suffering and the unhappiness out of working out, because if I can get you enjoying about it, everything in this world that you enjoy you never quit or at least you never want to take that off your plane.

So if I can get you enjoying the diet and enjoying the working out and to the point where you don't even feel like you are dieting anymore you are eating what you want just a little more carefully.

I'm thinking about a little more now, you can feel like you are dieting that's whenever you win when you don't even feel like you're trying, it might take some time it's still going to take patience, but you're not going to feel like you're suffering.

Days aren't going to feel like weeks and weeks aren't going to feel like months, so stick with me learn a little bit more about how to take a suffering out of it and in the meantime if you are a dieter try swapping it up to something that you think you'll really enjoy.

Because there is so much information online and this is what overwhelmed me and so I had to step back and say okay, how can I make small steps? how I can make healthy life sustainable? and what helped me?

I had to make very small changes in my everyday life and these are the ones that I'm going to share with you today. so my very first swamp was replacing refined sugar with natural sugars, so this is one of the relatively easy ones

Natural sugar 

So just find the refined sugar that you have in your cupboards and throw it away, yes exactly just throw it away or you can actually use it for body scrub it's up to you but that's what I did identified all the product.

That's how do you find sugar or the sugar itself, I just removed them from my kitchen and I replaced them with natural sugars, I replace them with honey ,with agave syrup, with maple syrup, with coconut sugar.

Things started being much easier because then all I had to do is to choose from those ingredients, the other foods I hope that you can do is replacing your white grains with whole grains.

Brown rice, whole-grain bread

So I just replaces my white rice with brown rice, white bread with whole-grain bread and that made a lot of difference in my everyday life and it seems such a small thing, but it's huge for your diet and its huge for your lifestyle.

what was also a savior for me is to replace all my sweet snacks with nutty snacks or with sugar free snacks, so for example I used to eat a lot of chocolate in the afternoon around three four o'clock.


Which I had them replaced with a lot of nuts, which have really good fats and kept me going for the rest of the day. What I also tried was to find refined sugar-free chocolate and it used to be a bit difficult.

Refined Sugar-Free Chocolate

When I started there weren't much availability in the health stores, but now it's booming so today it's much easier to find energy bars that are sugar-free, or you can also make them yourselves.

Green tea

The health food swap that I've done it's more about drink swamp aura, basically I used to drink four cups of coffee every day and slowly I said what is the different thing that I can do, I know that coffee is not the best drink that I can have in such a great amount and I decided to start drinking green tea.

Green tea was good but, it just left a little bit of bitterness in my mouth, so when I was discussing with my trainer and I got recommend for something amazing and so the next time when I went to Greece I was buying more natural ingredients.

I just started buying Greek Mountain tea which is an incredible tea replacement that's what I drink almost every day and also camomile, so these were the two swaps that I've done and then because I started liking what I was drinking.

Greek Mountain tea is so delicious honestly, so then I decided to swap my morning coffees as well and now I rarely drink coffee, I don't advocate not drinking coffee not at all.

If this is something that you like you can I still drink once a week, but it's just make easier, not to have as much coffee as I used to.

Cereals With Oatmeal

One of the very interesting swaps that I did was, swapping my cereals with oatmeal and if you knew exactly what I'm talking about and it's the very first time you try oatmeal, especially if you don't know how to eat it, it's not the most pleasant meal that you can have.
As I got to know it and as I was trying to push myself and to enjoy it I realized that actually I can have it with a little bit of honey, with cinnamon, with apple, with berries and it just became one of my favorite breakfast.

So do that swap, your cereals with oatmeal just add a little bit of color in it by adding fruits and natural sweeteners

Dairy Milk With Plant-Based Milk

The last swap for today that I'll share with you is swapping dairy milk with a plant-based milk, again it's not that I'm advocating not to drink milk it's just dairy milk has a lot of hormones nowadays.

It's very difficult to find a really good quality dairy milk, so be more open-minded and just introduce more flavors in your life and adding plant-based milks, such as oatmeal almond milk, coconut milk, hazelnut milk.
There is just more flavoring they just add something different to your everyday life, so for example when I do drink coffee I usually add oat milk in it because, I discovered that I the combination of coffee and oat milk.

When I eat my oatmeal it's usually with coconut milk or with almond milk, I just find it delicious.


Things like that a little bit of swaps like that is what I recommend for a more sustainable healthy life, you don't have to change everything at once just very small swaps that makes the difference.

These were my six ones for today and if you like this Blog please comment on the section below with your thoughts and do let me know, if there's any other swap that you've done that changed your life or at least made your health journey much easier.

Well that is it for this Blog guys if you enjoyed this help me make this Blog better by telling me what diets have worked for you and what you found has taken out the suffering aspect of diets.

Share this Blog with your friends and do tune in because there is a lot of wealth of knowledge and inspiration here on this Blog take care and I'll see you in the next Blog
thanks guys and until next time God bless

yogi khongsai