Roasted Brussel Sprouts Or Italian To English Fried Rice Recipe

Roasted Brussel Sprouts Or Italian To English Fried Rice Recipe
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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Roasted Carrots,Buffalo Chicken Dip Or Popeye Chicken Sand ?

Planning of weight loss and executing it is weary difficult, on the same, if you have to prepare you own meal its more than that .So why not prepare all this post workout meals ,shakes and snacks all before to save time.

Make a diet chart with workout and calories measurement guide and in addition to that your post workout meal is ready just in minutes by reheating.

Hey there.this is Yogi and welcome to my Blog @ . today, we're going to review full seven day meal plan intended to help with weight loss.

This includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinners. This will take just an hour to get all of this together and ready to go. This meal plan is super helpful, if you're looking to lose weight.

But if you have a busy schedule, or if you just wanna have healthy recipes ready to go, ready to grab, all week long in the fridge. All right, we've got a lot of work to do. Let's get started.

So this meal plan is intended for a woman who's wanting to eat between 1,400 and 1,600 calories in a day in order to lose weight.

Obviously, all body types are different and you might have to have a little bit more or less depending on your individual needs. For men, you will have to eat a little bit more calories than this.

I'll tell you, you can add in additional snacks during the day. I'm not a huge fan of calorie counting, I find it super tedious and you get caught up on feeling like you didn't do well at the end of the day when you have your calorie totals.

So, I want to make this meal plan so that you don't have to worry about that. Follow these recipes, don't worry about the calories, just trust that they're definitely on a plan to help you lose weight. 

Because personally, if you're miserable and you're not enjoying your food, it just doesn't seem like a positive life to me.

So I will make this enjoyable, tasty, and easy for you. So, before we get started, you need to make sure that you have food meal prep containers, because if you don't have anything to store them in the fridge, they'll not last all week. 

I'm using glass meal prep containers and also Mason jars that seals. If you have just Tupperware or plastic containers, anything is fine. I just wanna make sure that you consider that before you have all this food, because you don't want it to go to waste.

Because we have a lot of food to prep and we will make sure we're as efficient as possible, I will start with our grains and our beans.

So, we'll start cooking our brown rice, our lentils, and our quinoa first. And then we'll do a bunch of different things and at the end, I'll tell you how to put everything together.

To start our brown rice, in a deep pot we'll add some brown rice, followed by sea salt and low-sodium chicken broth. We'll heat this over high heat until it starts to boil. And then we're going to reduce it to a simmer and cover it.

Let it sit and simmering for about 20 to 30 minutes, until the rice is fully tender and all the liquid is absorbed. Then you can remove from the heat and set it aside. 

To make our quinoa, we'll also put it into a deep pot. We'll add our uncooked quinoa, followed by sea salt and some water. And then we'll bring this to a boil. Then we'll reduce the heat to medium to allow it to simmer.

We'll cover it and let it cook for about 20 minutes until all the liquid is absorbed and the quinoa becomes fluffy and doubles or even triples in size. And then we're going to fluff it with a fork and then set it aside. 

Now, we'll make our lentils. So, add our dry lentils to a pot, followed by water and make sure that the pot is large enough because the lentils will double or even triple in size. We'll bring this to a boil, and then cover it, reduce to a simmer. 

We'll let this cook for about 15 to 20 minutes until the lentils have doubled or tripled in size and are tender. Be careful, you don't want to overcook them. So then, just remove them from the heat, drain them, rinse them, and set them aside for later.

Beef And Broccoli

Next, we'll be making a healthy beef and broccoli recipe, which I think is a really good option for meal prep because it reheats well, it's high in protein, it's tasty, and it's high in fiber.

We'll be using this recipe for four of our seven days of our meal prep.

So, in a large pan, we're going to add some olive oil and heat it over a medium-high heat. Then we'll add our thinly sliced flank steak and we'll stir this together and cook it for about six to eight minutes until it's nicely browned and fully cooked on all sides.

Then, we'll remove the meat from the pan. We'll still use that pan. So, set that meat aside for later. And in that pan, we'll add in some minced garlic, chopped shallot, and sliced green onions.

We'll just cook for about a minute, stirring frequently until everything becomes fragrant. Then we'll add in our broccoli florets. I love a ton of broccoli in my healthy beef and broccoli recipe.

We'll stir that together and cook it for about five minutes until the broccoli florets become a very bright green color. We don't want to overcook them at this point because we'll be reheating them later during the week when we heat them up in the microwave.

We just want to get them nice, tender, but not fully cooked. While the broccoli is cooking, we can go ahead and get our sauce made for this recipe.

So, in a medium mixing bowl, we'll add in some low-sodium soy sauce, followed by coconut sugar, minced ginger, and fresh dried pepper flakes. And then we'll gonna stir all this together to mix well.

Then we'll add in some arrowroot starch to help thicken it, and some water, and then stir this together again. You do make sure that all the arrowroot starch is broken down, so you don't have any clumps in there.

If you need to use a whisk, that's helpful too. Now, that our broccoli is ready, we are going to add in our sauce and stir it all together, cook it for about two to three minutes until it heats up and becomes thick.

And we'll return our cooked meat to the pan, stir it all together, and as you can see, this looks like a very tasty, healthy beef and broccoli recipe. But now we can just set this aside to cool before we can put it into our meal prep containers.

Chicken, Cauliflower, Fried Rice

Next, we'll be making a chicken, cauliflower, fried rice recipe that'll be used for three of our lunches during the week.

So, we'll heat a large pan over a medium-high heat, and then we'll add in some sesame oil. We'll add in a couple of skinless, boneless, chicken breasts and we'll season it with some sea salt and ground black pepper.

And we'll cook it for about four to eight minutes on both sides making sure that the chicken gets fully cooked and the outside gets nice and golden-y brown.

Once the chicken is cooked through, we'll remove it from the heat, allow it to cool for a few minutes, and then we'll dice it into bite-size pieces, Then we'll set that aside.

Next, in that same pan, we'll add in some diced carrots, and we'll stir them around until they become slightly tender. Then we'll add in some low-sodium soy sauce, creamy peanut butter, and chilli paste and we'll stir to combine.

If you like to have your food a little bit spicier, you might want to add a little bit more chilli paste at this time. If you don't like spice, maybe a little bit less.

Then we'll add in some frozen edamame which will increase the protein value of our fried rice, followed by some minced garlic and sliced green onions.And we'll stir this together and heat it through.

Cauliflower Rice

Next, we need to make some cauliflower rice . So, we'll grab a head of cauliflower and we'll grate it up against a kitchen grater until it's formed into little cauliflower rice pieces. You can also use a food processor if you want or you can even buy riced cauliflower at the store and skip that whole step.

Now, we can add our riced cauliflower into the mixture and we'll stir it all together to get it fully incorporated. Then we'll cook it for a couple of minutes to heat it through.

Then return our cooked chicken to the pan and stir all of that together. Then we'll scooch everything to the side of the pan so that we have an empty side to make our eggs.

Add our eggs into the side of the pan and we'll stir it on up and scramble them until they're fully cooked. We'll break it into a bunch of little pieces and incorporate that back into the rest of our cauliflower fried rice and then that is how you finish off the cauliflower fried rice recipe.

So,we'll remove it from the heat for a little bit, then we can plate it and I'll tell you how to do that too.

Roasted Salmon And Asparagus 

We can get started on our roasted salmon and asparagus meal that will be a dinner of ours for three days. It's so easy. So, start per-heating your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and then we are going to line a rimmed baking sheet with tinfoil.

Adding the tinfoil here isn't 100% necessary, but it will help with cleanup for sure. We'll arrange our three slices of salmon. I have them portioned out to be about six-ounce pieces.

So we'll put those along the center of our baking tray,we'll surround that with our fresh asparagus. Then we'll add some thinly sliced lemons on top of our salmon and then all around our asparagus so it adds a lot of flavor while it's roasting.

In a small mixing bowl, we'll combine some olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, sea salt, and ground black pepper, and then we'll pour this mixture all over the salmon and the asparagus.

Then we'll lightly sprinkle some freshly grated Parmesan over all of this as well. If you're going dairy-free, you can either use nutritional yeast or you can just omit this step entirely.

Now, we'll place this into the oven and allow it to bake for about 10 minutes. Then we'll turn the oven to broil. And broil for about five to seven minutes.

This will get a nice little crispy toastiness on the top of everything and then really finish everything off. remove it from the oven and set it aside to cool.

So, easy. You'll notice we haven't had any salad recipes yet. That's because there's so much more to eating healthy than just eating salads.

However, I am a big fan of salads, especially ones that are really flavorful and chock full of protein and fibre, which is what we'll make right know.

Kale And quinoa Salad

Kale and quinoa salad with the lemon vinaigrette that's just so tasty. So, we have our quinoa cooked from before, and we have our lentils cooked from before, so we don't have to worry about that piece.

So, to make our dressing, we are going to combine freshly squeezed lemon juice, lemon zest, some raw honey, Dijon mustard, sea salt, ground black pepper and olive oil. And then we'll whisk all this together until it's really fully mixed together.

To prep the kale for the salad, in a large mixing bowl we'll add our kale and then toss in a little bit of olive oil. Then, using your fingers go around and kind of massage the olive oil into the kale.

Believe it or not, this makes a huge difference when you're eating your kale salad because it doesn't feel like you're just chewing on hay. Instead, the kale is nice and tender and it's much easier to eat and then later digest.

So, it's definitely a good idea to do this stuff. I totally recommend it. Plus, this is one of the steps where I buy per-cut kale pieces rather than DE-stemming and doing all that stuff with the kale.

It's just so much easier to do and it saves a ton of time. So, if you're like me and you want to make this as fast as possible, but you still want to eat healthy, definitely go for per-cut items because that'll save a lot of time, especially when you're meal prepping.

Now, to assemble our tasty salad, we'll add our cooked quinoa, cooked lentils, our massaged kale, garbanzo beans, diced cucumber, diced carrots, grape tomatoes, finely diced red onion, and some raw sunflower seeds.

We'll toss all this together to fully combine. Then we'll drizzle over that delicious lemon vinaigrette over the top, and then we'll toss it again to fully coat.

This salad is so dam good, it's just ridiculously tasty and feeling, and high in protein, it's just the master of all salads. So, I hope you like too.

Next, we can get started on prepping our breakfast for the week. I'd like to alternate between overnight oats and a smoothie each morning in this meal plan because I like to change things up.

We're looking for about 400 calories for breakfast. So, if you want to check out my blog, I have tons of chia puddings, egg muffins, smoothie recipes, protein pancakes.

All those would be really good options for our breakfast here. I love overnight oats and smoothies, so that's what we're doing in this meal plan.

chocolate peanut butter overnight oats

So, for our overnight oats, we'll be making a dark chocolate peanut butter overnight oats because it tastes indulgent, even though it's healthy and it's filling, and there's just something about eating chocolate while you're losing weight that is just winning at the world.

So, we'll add some bananas to a blender, followed by dark cocoa powder, some natural creamy peanut butter, pure maple syrup, vanilla extract, and some unsweetened almond milk.

Now, we'll blend all this together until it's really smooth. Then add in our rolled oats into the blended mixture. We'll not blend at this point, we just stir it together with a spoon.

I'm a big fan of not making a huge mess while I'm doing meal prep, so this cuts down on only one bowl . We'll divide this mixture into four Mason jars because we'll be using it for four breakfasts.

And then we'll seal the lid tightly and then place it in the fridge. Once it's fully set, which takes about six to eight hours or overnight, you can add a little bit of chopped peanuts and some chocolate morsels to the top to serve, which is a really tasty breakfast.

Mango, Spinach Green Smoothie

Into three different Mason jars that are freezable or into some freezable storage bags, we'll add in some mango chunks that are either fresh or frozen, followed by banana, and some baby spinach.

Then we'll seal this and place it in the freezer. In the morning when you're ready to make your smoothie, you just have to dump this into the kitchen blender.

Add a little bit of flax seed meal, some vanilla protein powder if you want to add some extra protein, and then a little bit of unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk, or any milk really, if you want.

Then we'll blend that together and it'll make a really tasty smoothie.

Strawberries With Some Raw Almonds

It's a very simple snack, but super tasty and it takes a while to eat so it feels like you're actually getting a nice large snack. Snacks are about 200 calories.

If you want to add more calories to this meal plan, you can always add in additional snacks that are about 200 calories. That's the best way I find to add in extra calories for the entire day if you're looking to do that.

So, into some Mason jars or into some salable plastic bags, we'll add in our raw almond, and then we have our fresh strawberries. I wash my strawberries and dry them completely and then I put them into my bags.

I don't cut them yet because I find that makes it get too mushy, so I leave them whole until it's time to eat them. And if you don't like almonds, you can always replace it with some walnuts or cashews or pretty much any nut of your choice.

Fresh Veggies With Some Hummus

This is a really tasty snack, and you can either make your own hummus,or you can use a store bought hummus. Just to make sure it has very simple ingredients.

We'll add our hummus to the bottom of our Mason jar. And then I have sliced carrots and cucumbers that I put into the top. You can use any fresh veggies that you want.

This is a very healthy, tasty snack, so I could also do some celery or you could add in some red bell peppers or anything like that.

You just want to have it in there, ready to go, and not having to put it all together when it's time to eat a snack. It'll make an easy grab-and-go snack.

Some other snack ideas could be a avocado toast option or some hard-boiled eggs, popcorn, the list is really endless. You could make some energy balls.

Just anything that'll be between 200 and 300 calories for a serving and anything that you're happy to eat and you want to have as a snack, that's a good idea.

So now it's time to pack everything up and put into our meal prep containers. So, let's start with our quinoa and kale salad. I like to add this to a one quart Mason jar because it stores it easily and then it's easy to just dump out into a plate or I can just eat it right out of the Mason jar.

So, we'll just divide that mixture into our Mason jar salads, and then put a lid on them, and then put them in the fridge.

Then for our healthy beef and broccoli, we'll add it to about two-thirds of one of our meal prep containers, and then on the other part, we'll add in our steamed brown rice which is super tasty.

I like to top it off with a few extra sliced green onions, and then that one is good to go. This meal is roughly 500 calories and it'll make a really tasty dinner for four of our nights.

For our cauliflower fried rice, we'll add that to our mixing jar and then we'll add a little bit of fresh snap peas to the side. I like having little bit of extra crunch and not just having just a bowl of one thing.

I like to have a little bit of a variation, for extra crunch, and flavor, and texture. This is our lunch for three of the days and it is about 400 to 500 calories, so it's very tasty.

Next, we'll put our salmon meal into our meal prep containers. So, we line the bottom of our meal prep container with our cooked asparagus and then top our salmon on top.

If after eating this you find that you're still a little bit hungry, you can add in a little bit of cooked quinoa to this, that would be a really good option.

We already have the quinoa cooked, so you definitely want to make sure that you're adding in a healthy addition into the meal so that you have a healthy, well-balanced meal, rather than just snacking on anything later.

To make this meal prep less boring and really fun and enjoyable to eat, I like to add variety to it, so I've divided days one, three, five, and seven as one meal plan and two, four, and six as a different meal plan.

That way, every other day you're getting a whole different meal plan, so, that you're excited every time to go back into the fridge. It makes just having this meal plan so much easier and more enjoyable.

So, for days one, three, five, and seven, you'll start of the morning with a chocolate peanut butter overnight oats for breakfast. The quinoa and kale salad for lunch. Your snack will be strawberries and raw almonds.

And then your healthy beef and broccoli recipe with brown rice for dinner. On days two, four, and six, you're gonna start off your morning with a mango green smoothie for breakfast.

For lunch, you'll have chicken cauliflower fried rice, with snap peas. Your carrot sticks and cucumber sticks with hummus for your snack. And then for dinner, you have the roasted salmon with asparagus.


I hope you like all of this recipes. They're the recipes that I used to lose 60 pounds after gettting promoted at my work it just makes it so easy if you're eating food you enjoy.

So definitely, I hope you enjoy these recipes too. And remember that everybody loses weight differently and everybody has a little bit of a different need for calories.

If you're working out, for example, you might want to increase a little bit so you have more protein for muscle gain or if you just are getting too full and it's too much food for you, you don't have to force yourself to eat everything.

Everybody is a little bit different and that's what makes weight loss a challenge, but also an interesting journey So now, for the next week, you don't have to calorie count, you don't have to plan ahead. You just have to make these meals and you're set .stay healthy and God Bless You !!
yogi khongsai