Mount Abu Or Mount Sinai The Evidence Of Truth

Mount Abu Or Mount Sinai The Evidence Of Truth
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Tuesday, July 14, 2020
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Hello everyone!!! Did I get your attention? I hope so!  There is nothing much to do in this lockdown situation, I am spending my time watching movies and sleeping, last few days I came across with this review,  About the proof to all the Biblical events.

Like Moses' time, his seven plages and the historic red sea event, as a kid we use to go to  Sunday School and listen to this as a story for time's sake, Now the guy in the Review is providing proof to all those events.

with this solid proof, I think we can take Bible more than what we think of it Now, every biblical event has proof and it is going to be revealed in days started with God's mountain in Moses' days when he saw the Bush of everlasting fire.

The desert molten ancient secret fingering, a secret garden for centuries, but secrets can't be kept forever and forever, a mountain in a forbidden land, shrouded in mystery many have searched for it, you have seen and when I thought question mark in the Bible what is that doing there I don't know why is it ignored I guess that tradition is so strong.

 yet in Saudi Arabia, we find some who doesn't belong there  the world needs to know that it's nothing legend, not allegory is real, I just want now two men have the proof the men  looks over and right eye and said, we're making history at this myth becomes burning truth, the mountain of fire  the precise location of Mount Sinai, has eluded both archeologists and theologians for centuries it is the mountain of legend chronicles

An Old Testament book of Exodus the mountain where Moses saw the glory of the God, of the Hebrews where he fell to his knees in fear before a burning bush and where you receive the stone tablets, containing holy law acts by the finger of God, tradition has placed this fabled mountain squarely in the middle of the Egyptian, Sinai Peninsula but an unlikely pair of adventurers believe differently.

well in Orange County California as a policeman for years started off being in patrol and then went in to be in a crime scene investigator collecting evidence and analyzing crime scenes, He was on the first SWAT team that they implemented on the police department pretty intense, He spent the last 40 years basically the speculator trading stocks and commodities

 He has a degree in journalism from University of Oregon, was raised in the religious family so than the history of religions is always interesting in that he is certainly one of the most interesting people I've ever heard off, a famous man ran for United States senators wives his campaign for him will renowned commodities trader and then as well he just instantly seen a guy that he had a lot of a natural affinity with.

 He just felt good being around and he's excited he walks away from business into he can see things as well in his life because the life should be one justice he is always been enamored with treasure hunting the great unknown great stories about things like oh yeah that's a really cool story about is her name jitters a myth well, he met a man who was the eighth man to walk on the moon he was a piece of history when he came back in the moon he wanted to do something different with his life he felt that he had a calling by God to go look for lost locations in the Bible.

He was involved heavily with looking for Noah's Ark at the time and the narrator  thought that was fascinating when you look at the great archeological discoveries of the world, they have not been found by archaeologists whether it's Imatra Picchu or the lost city of Earth, the Dead Sea Scrolls you go on and on they're found by people that are adventurers, well that little question mark in the back of Bibles really what got him  involved this I saw question mark in the Bible that piqued my interest

what is that doing there why don't people know I thought everybody knew where was that question mark got me he spent a small fortune in this search, that suits begin with a series of coal that came in the form of a mysterious letter written by Explorer and given to them  that the real Mount Sinai might actually be in Saudi Arabia, we had kind of an idea of where to go and how to get there but the man  wasn't able to come back with any documentation because he was arrested and couldn't get any out other than what he carried in his mind who knew that  they will use the book of Exodus at the roadmap to research

They begin to compile a list of sites they will have to find to identify the truth, Mount Sinai after 400 years of slavery in Egypt the Israelites led toward this holy mountain as they were perceived by the armies of Pharaoh, they decide to start their quest by examining the site of the traditional Mount Sinai in Egypt, known simply as st. Catherine's it received its name, some say by Queen Helena mother of Constantine II emperor of Rome and the chief guest at this mountain I guess being the mother of mampara, wrong you have a little bit of power and they put it down on a map and then tradition just carries on the Roman Church perpetuated it, we know quite extensively in the 4th century is the sign.

when he climbed the mountain several years ago with his friend and astronaut, they stood on top of the traditional Mount Sinai and the Sinai Peninsula they looked around that's very disappointing beautiful mountain beautiful scenery on the spire, none of the geographical geological formations fit with what the Bible was telling us if this wasn't out of Egypt and st. Catharines are clearly in Egyptian Peninsula it just didn't work it wasn't on the backside of any dessert it wasn't in the area that the Bible said.

They had the stunning realization as many who have climbed a mountain that said this just simply is not the place to the book of Exodus tells us the story of how God led Moses and the children of Israel through the desert to a point where they were confronted by the Red Sea.

If you find the correct crossing site it's easy to find them out and if you find a mountain it's easy to find the crossing point it all comes together it's like a trail of breadcrumbs, that leads you to the correct location and investigation and the crossing sites, a big part of the Exodus story has just been avoided people have thought it to be in the upper Lakes region of the Suez which is ridiculous the Bible says that the Egyptians sunk like stones in the mighty sea we have to have a seat an ocean to where they cross literacy, people seeing the movies been blown away by what the Red Sea crossing was, he liked a little physical reality and how this could have happened as hie friends  examined the book of Exodus and taken at face value

Another theory begins to emerge, if you read specifically as to what's latest Josephus says, he describes his ridge of mountains going along stopping into the sea Creek looting them from going any other place, if you look at satellite imagery it gives a wide clear area along the western side of the Sinai Peninsula almost like a highway to the tip and then turning upward creating like a cul-de-sac here they probably went through the Red Sea right at the tip of the Sinai Peninsula, in a place called Sharm el-sheikh it's remarkable, it's not like a coral reef surrounding the outside of the tip of a peninsula or something that you see in normal coral reef configurations, this goes right through the sea and it's interesting to note here that God in Scripture says I will make for you a roadway through the sea

 Actually, has a coral barrier that comes out and they have pictures of themselves at high tide, not low tide, with the tide up to about their waist standing on his barrier that reef barrier there they would have had a pedestal under the surface of the water, a wide ribbon of land it goes under the water that when the waters separated they escape upon it, would allow them an escape route and go through the sea, the book of Exodus records that Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and all that night the Lord wrote that scene, that with a strong east wind and turned it into the trial and the waters were divided and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground.
so we have the precision of scriptures to historical records and the physical geography of the area all coming together and creating a picture, that this is the most likely site of the crossing points the Bible says that they cross through the Red Sea and it was mighty water of the Red Sea, it's simple we need to look there, the Bible says to Mount Sinai in Arabia Galatians 425 says now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia Bible, says that in the ancient land of Midian where Moses met God on Mount Sinai why aren't we following the clues given us in Scripture the Bible is like a road map it's like a compass that you can open up and follow these clues for about 200 years at least.

 we have records of people saying that that's why I should be in Saudi Arabia, now would you see if it's around 90 AD makes this claim for this designation that you'll see this is talking not on the Sinai Peninsula but in Arabia, which would be according to our calculations on a mountain called Jabal al laws, the Bible says when God is speaking to Moses you shall return to Egypt and come back and serve God on this mountain, meaning that he needs to come back to Midian which is not in Egypt tradition of a powerful thing and once you start fooling with tradition, even if it's legitimate evidence it is very very difficult for people to let go of that without the official invitation from the Saudi citizen

Obtaining entry visas proves to be impossible, well it is difficult to get into Saudi Arabia you just don't go there we had to manufacture a way to get into the country, he warned by his friends that this would be very dangerous and he gave them the illustration of when he was going to the moon they shut the door because it is like a dungeon door closing he said at that moment it was no train dang you are going and the chances of death are there and he knew that going another friend that he met a Greek fellow said, well I think I know how to get you in they have a letter from the king of Saudi Arabia and will take his signature and will put it on his letterhead which he has and will change the faction on his fact to read his fax number and put the time, at the time in with a Riyadh.

we're going to fax this letter to the embassy there in London and its basic letter is going to say this is from the king and he wants these guys in a hurry get them in, So they fax it to the Saudi embassy about eight blocks away and sure enough, they got hit a real quick period the King carries a lot of weight they were more than uncomfortable with it, it brought him a great deal he thinks Thursday probably still does and he comes from two different views on this he has a lot stronger religious beliefs and feelings.

And he does about things and he was  kind of like a doubting him, of all this stuff and to him  it was just a question how do you get in when they close that door on that Saudi airliner they were going and there was no turning back, getting into Saudi Arabia is one thing finding the mountain is another

using the letter given to them by his friends drive out into the vast Saudi desert, hoping love will follow well the desert over there is just an expanse and just been almost an endless sea of sand and rock and the heat is so hot he just sucks being hair right out of their lungs, it's frightening even breed that 128-degree heat, the only problem was that his description took a ride in the big rock and then go point six kilometers take a left of another big rock together.

Really get lost with the limited water supply and maps that are now essentially useless his friends become hopelessly lost when suddenly a band of Bedouin desert dwellers comes to their aid where  they were sitting and there they 're saying do you know where  he walked out just to the edge of this hill for the hill hiding us and playing tabla la Revolucion they get their first look at the mysterious peak could this be the holy mountain of God spoken up in the Old Testament

This guy is really courageous to do this tremendous work of bringing truth to all of us !!!!!

yogi khongsai