Grown American Superfood And Olive Oil Smoke Point

Grown American Superfood And Olive Oil Smoke Point
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Friday, July 24, 2020

  Essential Super food

Let's talk about super foods, there are very few foods that are actually worthy of this title it's really more of a marketing term, that was coined by the food industry, when they're trying to sell you something generally speaking though.

Hi welcome to my Blog @ I have been in the Retail industry for almost like 10 years. traveling and eating a lot of junk food made me gain a lot of weight, in these last couple of years.

I have tried so many different ways to control my hunger when I am out, But it didn't work
but now trying something different and i think its working, So heir I am sharing my review.

I have a dog and whenever I am having this super food I give them some too
Can Dogs Eat Cauliflower.

Super foods. are nutrient-dense, they have special properties and supreme benefits compared to other foods, they basically pack the best punch, it's the best bang for your nutrition buck and I wholeheartedly believe in super foods.

The tips I'm about to give you because I eat them every day and maintain a good physique that I'm able to maintain and I know for a fact, that they worked extremely well for other people because these are the exact same foods that all the students inside the fat loss accelerator eat.

They've all got to see some amazing results, but just know that there isn't a single food that's gonna be the magic cure-all like, if you start eating avocado, for example, but you're still eating Doritos every day it's not really gonna work.

I don't want you to comment to this blog and say Yogi these super foods don't work, the good thing is this the blog isn't sponsored by anyone or anything, I guess I'm the sponsor, so I'm not selling you a supplement or protein powders or anything like that.

These are just super foods that I personally believe in and I know for a fact that they work extremely well, I don't remember the last time when I got sick, maybe I don't know four or five years ago.

These are Fitness Academy approved, if your goal is fat loss there are three things in your diet that you need to optimize, nutrient density, fat and protein content, so all the super foods that I'm gonna give you are going to meet all those three criteria.

Plus they're extremely delicious, so let's talk about those criteria real quick nutrient-dense foods are going to be extremely filling, because they're usually high in fiber which is going to activate that stretch mechanism in your stomach.

Which is then activate lepton, which is the hormone that signals your body, that you're full and turns off ghrelin which is your hunger hormone, I want you to remember those two things now, why am I talking about hunger hormones.

Well weight loss in its very essence isn't about counting calories, otherwise, you should just drink diet soda all day it's zero calories good luck with that, weight loss is all about controlling hunger why because being hungry sucks.

let me repeat that because that's a a very important concept, that you need to understand weight loss isn't about counting calories it's about controlling hunger, going back to nutrient-dense super foods.

They're also packed with micro nutrients and your body needs micro nutrients in order to be healthy, that's why dough's are not good for you because they're extremely nutrient deficient.

Your body is still craving nutrients, when you eat this stuff which then causes you to eat the entire bag, let's talk about fats and protein fats and protein, also activate your satiety hormones, fat activates cholecystitis, or CCK.

While protein activates peptide YY or p YY and they're delicious, think about a piece of rib I weighed some butter, for example, adequate-protein is also key when it comes to maintaining and building muscles.

While also losing fat and no fat doesn't make you fat, if you're not eating enough fat and this is some real talk, you're probably fat in fact dietary fat and cholesterol and they usually go hand-in-hand is essential to every cellular function in your body including your brain.

Again it's not bad for you but I don't want you to just add sour cream to your Doritos and call it a day, okay since I've brought up Doritos a couple of times already, let's talk about carbs real quick carbs are not essentially the enemy.

I've mentioned a few times in my guest blogs already that, I love cheesecake but it's more of a cheat meal for me, if we're strictly talking about fat loss a majority of the the population will do better on a high-fat moderate protein and lowcarb diet because it's the best diet to moderate your insulin levels.

Which is your storage hormone it's the the hormone that controls your body weight and carbs especially refined carbs, Doritos, and sugar triggers a high blood glucose response which then triggers a high insulin response to store all that sugar that's in your body right now.

Which then causes blood sugar, crash your body then freaks out because it thinks that it's in a state of hypoglycemia which triggers your body to crave all the food, this is why you can't just have one Doritos after a while you want to eat the entire bag.

Now with those criteria in mind, I'm giving you the top 7 Academy approved superfoods that promotes health, fat loss, and awesomeness.

  super food number one green leafy vegetables

specifically cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens include arugula, spinach, romaine, lettuce Swiss chard, I guess I include kale here as well even though I don't think it tastes good. 

While cruciferous vegetables and these are my absolute favorite, include broccoli cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bok choy and I guess I'm gonna include asparagus here as well.

Because they're delicious, even though they make your pee smell funny, the greens and cruciferous vegetables are extremely nutrient-dense, this blog is a bit longer than the others if I list all the benefits of eating them.

But they're extremely loaded with vitamins, minerals they're anti-inflammatory they're full of antioxidants and a whole lot of other good stuff for, your body, they're low in calories, they're extremely low in carbs and they're also high in fiber.

Which is again activate that stretch the mechanism in your stomach and really maximize the volume of your meals, which is then activate lepton and turn off Relan, remember those two cruciferous vegetables, as if there weren't superstar superfoods already. also contain protein.

So cruciferous vegetables meet two of their criteria for a superfood, they're nutrient-dense and they contain protein and they're delicious.I'm thinking about roasted cauliflower and Brussels sprouts right now and it doesn't even matter what your goals are. 

Cauliflower is tasty only cooked with care snd love, heirs are some tips and famous Recipe as it has carbs
  checkout my blog for some crab recipe, how to make cauliflower rice, cauliflower pizza crust recipe,
cauliflower rice recipes, cauliflower ear, and now some salads 7 layer salad check out all this recipe in my food blogs

You should be eating this stuff all the time and this is literally the best weight loss hack on the planet, that I could give you half of your plates, or even two-thirds of your the plate should contain these vegetable sand just watch the pounds come off.

  Superfood number two animal protein

Ideally, you're eating pasture-raised chickens or grass-fed beef or something that came from a good source, like your local farmers market and the animals were raised without antibiotics or added hormones.

If you can't do that's okay, just buy the best quality protein that you can afford, I am a big a proponent of incorporating key concepts from the primal way of living because that's how we evolved from two and a half million years of evolution.

We as human beings evolved to eat plants and animals that's why I mentioned plants as superfood number one, animals superfood number two, we evolved to eat meat our stomachs are extremely acidic it's more acidic than pure carnivore animals.

Like vultures and wolves basically the the human body loves meat and animal protein satisfies three of our major criteria for a superfood, it's nutrient-dense it's also high in fat and protein.

You should know this animal protein is some of the most satiating food on the planet, again going back to my rib-eye, with some butter it's extremely filling and it's absolutely delicious, there are also essential vitamins and minerals that the human body needs.

We can only obtain them from animals like vitamin b12 and vitamin k2, now vegans and vegetarians might say oh!!, I got this pill heir but one problem with that, you're only getting the precursor and the synthetic version of that vitamin.

Which means that the bioavailability of it when it comes to your body actually absorbing it is honestly almost laughable when it comes to a piece of steak, the bioavailability is something like 80% again that's why we evolved to eat this stuff and a lot of native tribes.

Who still live a hunter-gatherer life, are perfect examples of this and some of them even eat mostly a pure carnivore diet and they have extremely good health, so when they catch these animals, for example, they would actually go after the fattiest parts and organ meat.

Because they're the most nutrient-dense part of the animal, this is why you cannot live up of lean cuts of meat and this has been proven because at least is something called rabbit starvation, it's only a complete meal if fat is included.

So they'll be scared to eat dark meat instead of white meat, when your eating a chicken thigh tastes way better than white meat and eat the fat on your steak it's the best part anyway.

We actually don't need as much protein as we've been led to believe, our body only needs 0.7 grams per a pound of lean body mass that is it, even if you're active, even if you go to the gym some experts even recommend less than that but we're gonna stick with 0.7.

So you don't ever need to take BCAAs pre-workouts or protein powders when you're pumping iron at the gym, it's a complete waste of money you might as well like your money on fire or donate it to charity.

Protein powder specifically are extremely insulin a genic because they're extremely processed and they're usually sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Superfood number three eggs

My favorite humble egg is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet, it's basically nature's a version of a multivitamin and the yolk specifically is actually the healthiest part of the egg, it contains something like 13 vitamins and minerals including lutein and choline.

Which are crucial for your eyes and brain development and that's also where the cholesterol is, which is again essential for every cellular function and that includes your brain function. 

You would literally die without cholesterol, so throw away your box egg whites and think about it from an evolutionary standpoint, animals would literally risk their lives trying to steal a bird's egg, because they know-how nutrient-dense they are.

Because there are about a million different types of eggs at your local grocery store, you really only want to look for one specific thing, pasture-raised eggs, Free Run eggs don't really mean anything.

It just means that there is a tiny a door somewhere in a tiny cramped space going back to our criteria, eggs check off all three boxes they're nutrient-dense, they're high in fat and protein and they're extremely delicious. I eat like three or four eggs every day.

  Superfood number four is avocado

  Super food number four is the number one the reason why Millenials can't afford a house, because they're eating too much avocado toast, but hold the toast I don't really know any other fruit that can even come close to what avocado brings to the table.

While most fruits are high in fructose, so that's the predominant sugar in fruit, avocado has a grand total of zero sugar, instead, it's high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and they're also high in omega-3 fatty acids in the form of ala.

Which can prevent heart attacks and atherosclerosis, it also contains antioxidants like lycopene and beta-carotene and it contains more than 20 vitamins and minerals, again another version of nature's multivitamin.

It also meets our 3 criteria, it's high in fat protein and it's extremely nutrient, dense and they're delicious I eat like half an avocado every day sometimes more.

  super-food number 5 extra virgin olive oil

Part of the popular Mediterranean diet, olive oil has been a dietary staple for some of the world's healthiest population, especially for those people living in the Blue Zone, study after study have shown that the fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil specifically oleic acid have been found to reduce inflammatory markers in the body.

This is important because chronic inflammation has been found to be the major driver of many diseases including heart disease, cancer,metabolic syndrome, diabetes and arthritis.

If you have cheap vegetable and seed oils at home like sunflower oil, safflower oil, canola oil or just any cheap oil, in general, you need to cost it up and then you want to replace it with this awesome superfoods.

  super-food number 6 sweet potatoes

I think you can enjoy them occasionally, especially as a treat but I would make an exception for sweet potatoes, as a possible everyday super-food for one specific reason so sweet potatoes are a type of root vegetable, which comes in different varieties and colors. 

Like purple yams and they're extremely rich in antioxidants vitamin and minerals including fiber, protein fat, vitamin A-C and b6,it's got manganese potassium and other good stuff.

But the main benefit of sweet potatoes is that it's resistant starch if you've never heard of resistance starch before, it's basically a superfood for your digestive system sweet potatoes contain two different types of fiber, soluble and insoluble.

Your body can't digest either type, so it goes through your stomach and small intestine in digested eventually reaching your colon, which then feeds your gut flora and your gut basically acts as your second brain in your body and this is how you feed it taking care of your gut health.

Keeping those good bacteria happy is essential to good health, because everything starts in your gut the native Catawbas and Okinawa's for example which are known to be the healthiest people on the planet, thrive on eating tubers like sweet potatoes.

They have very few cases of modern Western diseases like obesity, cancer, diabetes cardiovascular disease, obviously be sensible about your intake of sweet potatoes especially, if you still have a lot of weight to lose.but feel free to incorporate them in your daily diet and they're absolutely delicious.

  super-food number seven dark chocolate

This is for all you dessert people out there, dark chocolate has a special place in my heart, when I first discovered it and I read about it for the first time, as a super-food from the primal blueprint, my favorite fitness book obviously it was an absolute revelation for me.

Because I have a sweet tooth and dark chocolate more than satisfies that craving without my diet going down to drain, dark chocolate is actually loaded with a lot of vitamins and minerals including fiber, iron, magnesium, copper , manganese, potassium, zinc, and selenium.

Just to name a few it's also rich in antioxidants, more than blueberries and acai berries and that's why people eat that stuff and it's also been shown to increase HDL, so that's your good cholesterol.

While reducing LDL which is your bad cholesterol, try to buy at least 70% cacao if you're just starting out, but the sweet spot is 85% where it still tastes like a treat it's absolutely delicious and it doesn't feel like you're eating chalk.

Dark chocolate is still extremely rich in flavor, it's still super rich and creamy especially compared to regular chocolate, I usually eat two squares as a desert or sometimes three if I'm really feeling like treating myself.

  superfood shoutout goes to nuts and seeds

That includes almonds, pistachios, walnuts, Brazil nuts, chia seeds, and flax seeds because they're also high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and they're also absolutely delicious, I eat pistachios and dark chocolate every single day.


  superfood list include green leafy cruciferous vegetables, meat, eggs, avocado, olive oil, sweet potatoes, dark chocolate, and nuts, the next question that becomes how are you actually supposed to eat?

If you want to lose weight because here's the thing 80% of your body composition is determined by your diet, you can't just freestyle this part, you have a proven plan that you can follow, to help you with that in my next blog, so stay connected for more.

yogi khongsai